검색어: no its not (프랑스어 - 영어)

인적 기여

전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.

번역 추가





no, its not.


no, its not.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


but, its not necessary anymore.


but, its not necessary anymore.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


never mind, its not worth it.


never mind, its not worth it.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


i am silent its not mean i am weak


je suis silencieux ça ne veut pas dire que je suis faible

마지막 업데이트: 2021-11-29
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명





마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


réponses how things were written. its not boring like it doesnt mature. pefect for teenagers la manière dont les sous-sujets sont abordés et présentés.


responses how things were written. its not boring like it doesnt mature. pefect for teenagers la manière dont les sous-sujets sont abordés et présentés.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


tableau 3 - liste des abréviations & et / et/ou a/ avec aba abattis a-b-d à base de ach acheté adhÉ adhérente ajt ajouté/e/s al aluminium alask alaskien/ne aman amande/s anim anim/aux/al arach arachide asp aspartame ass assaisonné/e autoch autochtone avn avoine barb barbeque bbrr babeurre bif bifteck bl blanc/he/hie bouch bouchée/s boui bouilli boul boulettes boute bouteille br brune brs braisé cal calorie/s campag campagnard cass casserole casson cassonade cdq coquille ceris cerise/s citr citron charc charcuterie chlo mg chlorique de magnésium choco chocolate chol cholesterol coll collation/s comp compote comm commerciale cond condensé/e condim condiment/s confit confiture/s cong congelé/e/s cons/eau conserve dans l'eau cons/huile conserve dans l'huile cont contenu/s conv conventionelle cot côte/s cotel côtelette coup coupe/s cr cream crle céréale/s croust croustillant d/ dans dce douce deg-de-cuis degré de cuisson dej déjeuner dÉshy déshydraté dietet diététique/s diver divers/e/es dom domestique Édul édulcorant en enrichi/e/s enchil enchilada enf enfant/s enro enrob/age/e/ée emb emballé/e/s enti entier/e/s eple épaule esp espèce/s euro european exte extérieur fbl faible far farine fce foncé/e/s fl flocons from frommage fromb framboise/s frt frit/e/s g gras galet galette/s gaufr gaufrette/s gr grain/s gran granule/s grl grillé/e/s hach haché/e hamb hambourgeois hydrg hydrogené/e/s hypocal hypocalorique inst instantané/e/s inter intérieur lgr léger lÉgere légèrement leg légumes lev leveés liq liquide m maigre maca macaroni mel mélange/é/ée/s mex mexicain m+g maigre et gras m.g. matière grasse, moun jack monterey jack mout moutarde n non na sodium n‑angl nouvelle‑angleterre natur nature/l/le noui nouilles n prÉc non précisé n-zela nouvelle‑zélande ord ordinaire orie orientale +os non désossé/e/s -os désossé/e/s p-a-c prêt‑à‑cuire/prêt-à-chauffer pam prêt‑à‑manger p‑a‑p prêt‑à‑préparer p‑a‑s prêt‑à‑servir part partiellement pc pièce p de t pommes de terre pdre poudre pln pilon pqt paquet pom pomme/s port portion poud pouding poul poulet ppt pépite/s pr pour prÉp prépar/é/e/s/ation prepcomm préparation commerciale prod produit/e/s rechau réchauffé/e/s recet recette rÉd reduit/e rÉfr réfrigéré/e/s refro refroidi reg régulier/e r-g-s réduit/e/s en graisses saturées riss rissolé/e/s rot rôti/e/s rot/s/fe rôti/e sur le feu s/ sans sal salé/e/s sau sauce sc sec/he/s seul seulement sol solide/s std standard stom stomac/al/aux sucr sucre sulph ca sulphate de calcium supÉr supérieur surl surlonge svr saveur tom tomate/s tr tranche trad traditionnel tt-pts tout-petits tt usg tout usage van vanille vÉg végétal vit vitamine unités cm centimètre dm diamètre g gramme l litre ml millilitre mm millimètre cthe cuillerée à thé ctbl cuillerée à table ״ pouce noms commerciaux barbara's barbara's bakery bcl becel bop bon au possible cmpl compliements cp choix du président cr hill cream hill estates cr-nat croque-nature flsch fleischmann hz h einz icant i can't believe its not butter lact lactantia lecl leclerc qkr quaker np nature's path nb nabisco rh robin hood rees reese's rgs rogers tableau 4 - liste des définitions cuillerée à thé comble : désigne une cuillerée à thé ordinaire plutôt qu'une mesure standardisée. non pressé : mesure remplie sans presser l'aliment.


table 3 - list of abbreviations & and add added adhe adherent al aluminium anim animal ap as purchased asp aspartame ban banana barb barbequed bat battered bif beefsteak bld boiled +bone bone in -bone boneless bot bottom brdd breaded brld broiled brsd braised brwd browned br sug brown sugar btrml buttermilk but butter cal calorie canned/oil canned in oil canned/water canned in water cass casserole casulph calcium sulphate cheesebu cheeseburger chkn chicken choc chocolate chol cholesterol cin cinnamon ckd cooked cnd canned comm commercial comp composite cond condensed concen concentrate condim condiments conv conventional cr creamed crl cereal crum crumbled ctd coated deg-of-done degree of doneness decaf decaffeinated dehyd dehydrated dietet dietetic dk dark dom domestic drnd drained drstk drumstick en enriched enchil enchilada euro european flr flour flvr flavour fortif fortified frd fried frstd frosted frz frozen from recipe prepared from recipe gib giblets gran granules hamb hamburger htd heated hydrg hydrogenated insd inside l lean l+f lean + fat lean + fat lem lemon lemon liq liquid lt light maca macaroni marshm marshmallow/s med medium m.f. milk fat mgchlor magnesium chloride mix mixed mont jack monterey jack msh mashed mtblls meatballs multipur multipurpose n not na sodium natur natur/e/al new eng new england newy new york new zea new zealand noo noodle nug nugget/s o-br oat bran orie oriental outs outside part partially pdr powder pkt packet pkd packed ppd prepared pot potatoes prod product/s pudd pudding red reduced refr refrigerated reg regular restau restaurant r-s-f reduced saturated fat rst roasted r-t-c ready to cook rte ready-to-eat r-t-p ready-to-prepare r-t-s ready to serve sal salted sau sauce s/as such as se seed seas seasoned seless seedless separ separable sol solids trad traditional todd toddler tom tomato shldr shoulder smok smoked smrd simmered sug sugar swtnd sweetened swtnr sweetener undil undiluted unhtd unheated unspec unspecified van vanilla veg vegetable vit vitamin w-br wheat bran wh whole w/ with wo/ without / and/or units cm centimetre dm diameter g gram l litre ml millilitre mm millimetre tsp teaspoon tbsp tablespoon " inch brand names bcl becel barbara's barbara's bakery comp compliments cr hill cream hill estates erw erehwon flsch fleichmann hz heinz icant i can't believe its not butter kell kellog's lact lactantia lecl leclerc qkr quaker np nature's path nb nabisco pc president's choice rh robin hood rgs rogers tgtbt too good too be true table 4 - list of definitions heaping teaspoon refers to an ordinary teaspoon rather than to a standard measuring teaspoon not packed lightly filled measure without pressing down on the food packed maximum amount of food that can be pressed into the measure without altering its physical structure pared skin removed plus some adhering flesh peeled skin removed with a minimum of adhering flesh table 5 - nutrient trace and significant digits nutrient trace and significant digits nutrient unit number of significant digits trace = less than

마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명
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