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provision of bad debts
voorsiening van oninbare skulde aansuiwering
Laatste Update: 2023-03-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
bad debts
oninbare skulde voorsiening
Laatste Update: 2018-08-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
for bad
Laatste Update: 2022-03-11
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
synonym for bad
sinoniem vir erg
Laatste Update: 2021-06-07
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
(ii) the universal provision for all persons in the republic of electronic
(ii) die universele verskaffing aan alle persone in die republiek van
Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
(4) the authority may by regulation make provision for the designation of licensees
(4) die owerheid kan by regulasie voorsiening maak vir die aanwysing van
Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
but put ye on the lord jesus christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.
maar beklee julle met die here jesus christus, en maak geen voorsorg vir die vlees om sy begeerlikhede te bevredig nie.
Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
to make new provision for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications network services and broadcasting services;
om opnuut voorsiening te maak vir die regulering van elektroniese kommunikasiedienste, elektroniese kommunikasienetwerkdienste en uitsaaidienste;
Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
and the children of israel did so: and joseph gave them wagons, according to the commandment of pharaoh, and gave them provision for the way.
die seuns van israel het toe so gedoen; en josef het vir hulle waens verskaf volgens die bevel van farao en hulle padkos gegee vir die reis.
Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
(10) an order of court dealing with costs may make provision for the payment of costs incurred by or as a result of the intervention of an amicus curiae .
(10) 'n bevel van die hof oor koste kan voorsiening maak vir die betaling van koste aangegaan deur of as gevolg van die tussentrede van die amicus curiae .
Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
then joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way: and thus did he unto them.
daarop gee josef bevel om hulle sakke vol koring te maak en elkeen se geld weer in sy sak te sit en om aan hulle padkos vir die reis saam te gee. en so is aan hulle gedoen.
Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
and he prepared great provision for them: and when they had eaten and drunk, he sent them away, and they went to their master. so the bands of syria came no more into the land of israel.
en hy het hulle 'n groot maaltyd berei; en nadat hulle geëet en gedrink het, laat hy hulle gaan; en hulle het na hul heer getrek. en die bendes van die arameërs het verder nie meer in die land van israel gekom nie.
Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
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524 words 3 pages ‘friends are as dangerous as enemies’ friends. these are the people i would do anything for. the people i share all my secrets to. the people who know me better than anybody else. the people i trust so dearly that i share all my personal information with‚ something that any one of my enemies would kill to have. so what is stopping my friends from using all this information they have against me? is it possible that friends are just as dangerous as enemies? someone who i would call my friend premium emotion 2006 singles attack! read more satisfactory essays best friend versus enemy 433 words 2 pages best friends and enemy in our society‚ relationships between people are very important part in life. goran stojanoy once said‚ “once should always take care when making a choice of a friend as the friends are the ones you pick by yourself.” also‚ friends come and go‚ but with some special people they stay in our life forever. in life we spend approximately 30% of our time socializing with people‚ making friends is one of the process. it depends on the person who is trying to be friends with you premium 2007 singles friendship 2008 singles read more good essays relationship between 'friends and enemies' 453 words 2 pages between lee strunk and dave jensen. the chapter “enemies” demonstrates this first‚ it mentions an instance that breaks the wall of trust between the two soldiers. the next chapter‚ “friends‚” illustrates the two men learning to lean on each other for assurance. together‚ “friends” and “enemies‚” stand to provide an accurate depiction of the foolishness of war. the battlefield is a place where many soldiers find out who their real friends are. “enemies” references the day that strunk and jensen had premium firearm gun crime read more good essays credit cards: friends or enemies? 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Laatste Update: 2024-03-12
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