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on a wonerful day me and my friend we sailed in a boat,we had fun everyone enjoyed being on the boat
ons het op 'n boot gevaar
Laatste Update: 2023-08-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
on the 7 of december we had tradional ceremony of my cousin junior we welcomed him as man
op 16 desember 2024 het ons na die swembaddens in westering gegaan
Laatste Update: 2025-01-21
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
now when we had discovered cyprus, we left it on the left hand, and sailed into syria, and landed at tyre: for there the ship was to unlade her burden.
en toe ons ciprus in die gesig gekry het en dit aan die linkerhand laat lê het, het ons na sírië gevaar en by tirus aangekom, want daar sou die skip sy vrag aflaai.
Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
one day,a year ago after the 4th semester on the 12th november my friends and i bunked school as there is no time like the present .we had decided to go to the park.
op 'n dag, 'n jaar gelede na die 4de semester op 12 november, het ek en my vriende skool toe gestap, want daar is nie tyd soos nou nie. ons het besluit om na die park te gaan.
Laatste Update: 2020-02-23
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2
it was on the 25 of december 2018,when we had a family gathering.we were all gathered at pretoria, wonder park.
die dag sal ek nooit vergeet nie
Laatste Update: 2019-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
cause we went to gold reef city and i enjoyed myself so when we got there me and my family went on the anaconda and then after that we had breakfast then when we where done we where walking around looking for rides and saw one and went on the ride it is called the golden loop and so we where playing games we went and watched a movie and then we went to the candy shop and bought us candy and we went home cause it was getting late then we stopped at mc donalds got us food and went home and after t
want ons het goudrif stad toe gegaan en ek het dit geniet so toe ons daar aankom het ek en my gesin op die anaconda gegaan en daarna het ons ontbyt geëet, toe ons klaar is het ons rondgeloop opsoek na ritte en een gesien en op die gegaan ry dit word die goue lus genoem en so ons het speletjies gespeel, ons het 'n fliek gekyk en toe gaan ons lekkergoed winkel toe en koop vir ons lekkergoed en ons is huis toe want dit het laat geword toe stop ons by mc donalds het vir ons kos gekry en huis toe gegaan en na t
Laatste Update: 2022-04-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
over the past year, we carried out the mandate of sadc to assist the political leadership of zimbabwe to find a lasting solution to the political challenges they face. we had an opportunity, on the fringes of the au summit in addis ababa formally to present a comprehensive report to the leadership of sadc on this matter.
gedurende die afgelope jaar het ons die opdrag van sadc uitgevoer om die politieke leierskap van zimbabwe behulpsaam te wees om 'n blywende oplossing te vind vir die politieke uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar. ons is die geleentheid gebied tydens die au-beraad in addis ababa om 'n omvattende verslag aan die leierskap van sadc oor hierdie aangeleentheid voor te lê.
Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
in kzn we saw big zulu and we took photos with him and we had a braai party on the journey .it was his home coming and some celebrates were with him going to durban we went to support him and some of his people were the at his place to.we had fun we were the sitting on vip chairs.our family shouted imail enigi big zulu suprise his mother with a big house.
in kzn het ons groot zulu gesien en ons het saam met hom foto's geneem en ons het 'n braaipartytjie op die reis gehou. dit was sy huis wat kom en 'n paar feesvieringe was saam met hom op pad durban toe ons het hom gaan ondersteun en van sy mense was die by sy plek om.ons het pret gehad ons was die sit op vip stoele.ons familie het geskree imail enigi groot zulu verras sy ma met 'n groot huis.
Laatste Update: 2023-03-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
on the 21 of december it was my birthday so my parents decided to take me to pretoria zoo to see the the animals it was so nice and they had a special gift for me i was so excited and happy in the same time so i opened it up it was a new phone a iphone 8 i was so happy then we went to gold reef city we played then it was a to eat i eat and eat and eat then we went to the paint ball we had so much fun and i loved it
op die 21 desember was dit my verjaarsdag so my ouers het besluit om my na pretoria dieretuin te neem om die diere te sien dit was so lekker en hulle het 'n spesiale geskenk vir my gehad ek was so opgewonde en gelukkig in dieselfde tyd so ek het dit oopgemaak op dit was 'n nuwe foon 'n iphone
Laatste Update: 2022-10-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
and joshua said, alas, o lord god, wherefore hast thou at all brought this people over jordan, to deliver us into the hand of the amorites, to destroy us? would to god we had been content, and dwelt on the other side jordan!
en josua het gesê: ag, here here, waarom het u hierdie volk ooit deur die jordaan laat trek om ons oor te gee in die hand van die amoriete, sodat hulle ons kan vernietig? het ons tog maar besluit om oorkant die jordaan te bly!
Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
a good teacher came on the 24 january 2024 he was the. sweetest male teacher he told us that some teachers praying to him he went up and down we told say that if we kids those people they will regret making our sir go up and down in the stairs we will catch them that is the day i’ll never forget the day when we had a new class teacher
'n goeie onderwyser het op 24 januarie 2024 gekom hy was die. liefste manlike onderwyser hy het ons vertel dat sommige onderwysers wat tot hom gebid het, hy het op en af gegaan, ons het gesê dat as ons die mense kinders is, hulle spyt sal wees dat ons meneer op en af in die trappe gaan, ons hulle sal vang, dit is die dag wat ek nooit die dag sal vergeet toe ons 'n nuwe klasonderwyser gehad het nie
Laatste Update: 2024-01-26
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
my name is rethabile and my surname is mkansi, i live at protea glen ext 2. during the school holiday's, we went to silver star and we ate really good food and on christmas day we went park called gog. we had a very good time there, we swem in the swimming pools, slide down through slide panels and i also jumped in the swimming pool. at new year we ate meat, pap and salads, on the 8 january we went to south gate and we bought shoes, had a meal at mcdonald's we ate burgers and we drank fanta orange, i had the best holiday ever.
school holiday my name is rethabile my surname is mkansi, i stay at protea glen ext 2. during my school holiday we went to silverst
Laatste Update: 2021-03-18
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
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