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and they shall have no patrons succouring them beside allah . and whomsoever allah sendeth astray for him there will be no way .
ንቁ ! በደለኞች በእርግጥ በዘውታሪ ስቃይ ውስጥ ናቸው ፡ ፡ ለእነርሱም ከአላህ ሌላ የሚረዷቸው ዘመዶች ምንም አልነበሩዋቸውም ፡ ፡ አላህም የሚያጠመው ሰው ለእርሱ ( ወደ እውነት ) ምንም መንገድ የለውም ፡ ፡
Laatste Update: 2014-07-02
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
and it is due unto the poor muhajirs who have been driven forth from their homes and their substance , seeking grace from allah and his goodwill and succouring allah and his apostle . these ! they are the truthful .
ለእነዚያ የአላህን ችሮታና ውዴታውን የሚፈልጉ ፣ አላህንና መልክተኛውንም የሚረዱ ኾነው ከአገሮቻቸውና ከገንዘቦቻቸው ለተወጡት ስደተኞች ድኾች ( ይስሰጣል ) ፡ ፡ እነዚያ እነርሱ እውነተኞቹ ናቸው ፡ ፡
Laatste Update: 2014-07-02
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1