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57. olke reported that the national council for radio and television dealt with lgbt issues in a way which practically sanctioned the presence of lgbt fictional characters on greek television.
57. 希腊女同性恋和男同性恋社区报告说,希腊国家广播与电视委员会对待男、女同性恋、双性恋和变性者问题的方式实际导致如果希腊电视中出现这类虚构角色,就会受到处罚。
"we demand that the international community recognize us by our name -- the republic of macedonia -- and not by a fictional derivative.
"我们要求国际社会承认我们,使用我们的名字 -- -- 马其顿共和国 -- -- 而不是假想的派生出来的东西。
but i think that glamour actually has a much broader meaning -- one that is true for the movie stars and the fictional characters, but also comes in other forms.
不过我认为魅力实际上有更为广泛的含义 其中一部分(当然)那些电影明星和小说人物所展现出来的 但也有其他的表达方式。
the draft article was not intended to allow parties to invent fictional places of business that did not meet the requirements of draft article 4, subparagraph (h).
all of these great fictional characters, all of them who were hurt by their condition, all of them who spawned thousands of other books and other films, all of them were fostered, adopted or orphaned.
所有这些著名小说中的人物,他们的共性 都是生来因成长环境所伤害, 他们催生出数以千计的著作 以及影视作品,无一例外 都是被收养,收容或者流浪的。
every prison has several copies of compilations of international legal instruments, a suitable number of copies of the koran and the bible, legal, scientific and fictional literature, and manuals on the rights of inmates.
children reveal shock, fear and disgust on seeing cruelty, killings and abuse; since much is real rather than fictional violence, this adds to the depth of children's reaction.