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from the style of writting it should be prior to panini .
भाषा शैली से भी यह पाणिनि के समय से पहले का होना चाहिये ।
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
select the way the date should be displayed:
वह तरीक़ा चुनें जिस आधार पर तिथि प्रदर्शित की जाएगी:
Laatste Update: 2018-12-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 3
care of infants from one month to 12 months ,
शिशुओं की देखभाल एक से 12 महीने तक की जाती है ।
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
fish meal should be eliminated altogether from the ration for about a fortnight prior to slaughter .
काटे जाने से लगभग दो सप्ताह पहले मछली देना बिल्कुल ही बन्द कर दिया जाना चाहिए .
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2
the gestation period in females varies from 11 to 12 months .
गधियों के गर्भधारण की अवधि 11 से 12 मास के बीच होती है .
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
the animals should be vaccinated annually in the badly infected areas prior to the onset of the rainy season .
टीके वर्षा ऋतु प्रारम्भ होने से पहले ही लगा दिये जाने चाहिएं ।
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
booking can presently be done up to 12 hours prior to departure of the bus
टिकट को रद्द केवल टिकट बुकिंग हिस्टकरी में जाकर किया जा सकता है ।
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
repayment to be repaid in 84 installments within a period of 7 years inclusive of moratorium period of up to 12 months .
चुकौती 84 किस्तोंी में 7 वर्षों की अवधि के अंदर चुकायी जाएगी जिसमें 12 महीने की अधिस्थ गन अवधि शामिल है ।
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
previous year means a 12 - month period prior to the current year .
पिछले वर्ष का अर्थ होता है , चालू वर्ष के पहले के 12 महीने की समयावधि ।
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
the device sensor should have been cleaned prior to scanning and the output file resolution should be at least 200dpi .
स्कैनिंग के लिए युक्ति सेंसर को साफ़ कर दिया जाना चाहिए और आउटपुट फ़ाइल संकल्प कम से कम 200dpi होना चाहिए .
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
if the person was on a twes permit for up to 12 months they will not normally be eligible to return for a further work permit until they have spent 12 months outside the uk .
अगर कोऋ व्यि 12 महीनों के लिए प्रशिक्षण और कार्य अनुभव योजना ह्यठ्थैश् हृ के वर्क परमिट पर था , वह आमतऋर पर दुबारा वर्क परमिट लेने के योग्य नही होंगे , जब कि वह 12 महीने यू के से बाहर हो .
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
apart from these , the centre has also introduced certain diploma and pg diploma courses in computer varying form 3 months to 12 months duration on a self - sustaining basis .
इनके अलावा , केंद्र ने कंप्यूटर पर 3 माह से 12 माह अवधि के डिप्लोमा तथ परास्नातक डिप्लोमा कार्यक्रम भी आरंभ किये हॆं ।
Laatste Update: 2020-05-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
happy birthday sister, may god always keep a smile on your face, 02/07/2007 this date should be recorded in the pages of history in bold letters.
happy birthday bahan ji ishwar hamesha aapke muh pe smile banaye rakkhe ,aapka date of birth mote akshar mein itihas ke panno mein darj ho
Laatste Update: 2024-07-02
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
operational guidelines dated 17.12.2019 [for setting up of integrated cold chain projects against the expression of interest (eoi) to be published] for “scheme for integrated cold chain and value addition infrastructure under pradhan mantri kisan sampada yojana” government of india ministry of food processing industries panchsheel bhawan, august kranti marg, new delhi- 110049 page 2 of 45 revised operational guidelines of the scheme for integrated cold chain and value addition infrastructure (dated 17.12.2019) 1. background the scheme for integrated cold chain, value addition and preservation infrastructure was launched during 2008 and the original guidelines were notified on 18.03.2010. based on feedback and consultations with stakeholders, the scheme guidelines were modified on 20.11.2013, 08.08.2014, 29.08.2016, 08.03.2018 and subsequently on 18.01.2019 for the purpose of smooth implementation and to achieve the objective of the scheme. based on further feedback and experience of implementation of the scheme, the guidelines are further revised with immediate effect. these revised guidelines will be applicable to expression of interest (eoi) issued by the ministry for taking up new integrated cold chain projects prospectively. 2. objective the objective of the scheme is to provide integrated cold chain, preservation and value addition infrastructure facilities without any break, from the farm gate to the consumer in order to reduce post-harvest losses of horticulture and non-horticulture agri-produce. this will enable linking groups of producers to processors and market through a well-equipped supply chain and cold chain, thereby ensuring remunerative prices to farmers and year-round availability of food products to consumers. 3. eligible organizations/entities integrated cold chain and value addition infrastructure projects can be set up by partnership/ proprietorship firms, companies, corporations, cooperatives, self help groups (shgs), farmer producer organizations (fpos), ngos, central/state psus, etc. with business interest in cold chain solutions and also by those who manage supply chain. 4. components of the scheme the scheme allows flexibility in project planning with special emphasis on creation of cold chain infrastructure at farm level. the scheme will have the following project components: (a) farm level infrastructure, which may include processing center, situated in the catchment area of the targeted produce. this shall have one or more of the facilities mentioned in sub-para 5.1 (a to j) below. in addition, it may also have one or more of the facilities mentioned in sub-para 5.1 (m to u) below. for projects in the fruits & vegetables sector, farm level infrastructure shall include at least one of the facilities listed at sub-para 5.1 (a), (c) & (m). (b) distribution hub - this shall have a modern multi-product, multi-temperature cold storage. it may also include one or more of the facilities mentioned in para 5 below depending upon the business plan of the project. page 3 of 45 (c) refrigerated vans/ refrigerated trucks/ insulated vans/mobile insulated tankers. (d) irradiation facility. to avail financial assistance under this scheme, the applicant will have to set up farm level infrastructure as mentioned at (a) above and any one or both of the components from (b) and (c) above. considering the functional nature of the facility, irradiation component will be treated as a standalone facility for the purpose of availing grant under the scheme. 5. eligible facilities for calculation of grant 5.1 assistance under the scheme can be availed for creation of the following facilities: (a) integrated pack-house (with mechanized sorting & grading line/ packing line/ waxing line/ staging cold rooms, etc.) (b) ripening chamber(s) (c) cold storage unit(s) [associated with value addition] (d) controlled atmosphere (ca) storage [associated with value addition] (e) frozen storage/deep freezers [associated with value addition] (f) iqf line, tunnel freezer, spiral freezer, blast freezer, plate freezer (g) vacuum freeze drying (h) milk chilling / bulk milk cooling/ automatic milk collection unit/ milk processing unit (including packing) for which temperature control is necessary during some part of the processing. (maximum 50 nos. of milk chilling or bulk milk cooling or automatic milk collection unit to be assisted per project) (i) poultry/meat/marine/fishery processing unit (j) packaging line for chilled /frozen/temperature controlled products (k) food irradiation unit (l) refrigerated/ insulated transport (m) pre cooling unit(s) (n) mobile pre-coolers (o) retail refrigerated carts, temperature controlled solar powered retail carts (maximum 10 numbers to be assisted per project) (p) reefer boats (maximum 10 numbers to be assisted per project) (q) refrigerated containers including multi-modal container units (r) renewable/ alternate energy technologies (solar, bio-mass, wind etc.) for the project. [maximum permissible cost is ₹35 lakh, as per midh norms] (s) accessories/support infrastructure/ utilities such as fixed racking system in cold/ca storage, fork lifts, reach trucks, bins, insulated fish boxes, pallets, dock levellers, mezzanine flooring, etp, boiler, cip unit, depodder, peeler, slicer/dicer, blancher, sorting/grading line, etc. (t) in-house product testing laboratory (u) any other modern technology for temperature controlled storage, processing, value addition and preservation infrastructure as may be decided by inter ministerial approval committee (imac) page 4 of 45 (v) toilets, septic tank, drainage, etc. note: ca storage should normally be located near production areas. otherwise, detailed justification to be given in the dpr. 5.2 assistance for refrigerated/insulated transport can be availed either at farm level infrastructure and / or distribution hub depending upon the business plan of the project. 5.3 stand-alone facilities/ component, except irradiation facility will not be considered for assistance under this scheme. 5.4 irradiation facility may also include cold storage, grading and sorting facilities, reefer vans etc. for storage and transportation of raw material and finished products for efficient utilization of the facility. 5.5 both horticultural and non-horticultural produce are eligible for support under this scheme. 6. ineligible items: 6.1 the following items will be considered as non-technical civil works and will be considered ineligible for calculation of grant for the project (the list is only indicative and not exhaustive): - (a) compound wall (b) approach road/internal roads (c) cost of land and site development (d) administrative office building (e) canteen (f) labour rest room and quarters for workers (g) security/ guard room or enclosure (h) consultancy fee, taxes, etc. (i) other non-technical civil works not related to cold chain or storage infrastructure 6.2 the following items will also not be considered eligible for calculating the grant for the project (the list is only indicative and not exhaustive): - (a) margin money, working capital and contingencies (b) fuel, consumables, spares and stores (c) transport vehicles other than the reefer trucks/vans/refrigerated carrier/insulated vans/milk tankers (d) pre-operative expenses (e) second hand/ old machines (f) all types of service charges, carriage and freight charges, etc. (g) expenditure on painting of machinery (h) ac ducting, furniture, computers and allied office items. (i) closed circuit tv camera and security system related equipment. (j) consultancy fee, taxes, etc. on plant and machinery. page 5 of 45 (k) stationery items (l) plant & machinery not directly related to cold chain infrastructure (m) fire-fighting equipment, fly catchers, hand washer, laundry etc. (n) reconditioned and refurbished plant & machinery. the inter-ministerial approval committee (imac) will be the final authority to decide on the admissibility of the grant and the eligibility or otherwise of the items for this purpose. 7. pattern of assistance: - the scheme will have two types of pattern of financial assistance: - (a) for storage infrastructure including pack house and pre cooling unit, ripening chamber and transport infrastructure, grant-in-aid @ 35% for general areas and @ 50% for north east states, himalayan states, islands & itdp areas, of the total cost of plant & machinery and technical civil works will be provided. (b) for value addition and processing infrastructure including frozen storage/ deep freezers associated and integral to the processing, grant-in-aid @ 50% for general areas and @ 75% for north east states, himalayan states, islands & itdp areas, will be provided. (c) for irradiation facilities grant-in-aid will be provided @ 50% for general areas and @ 75% for north east states, himalayan states, islands & itdp areas. note: (i) maximum grant-in-aid would be ₹10 crore per project. (ii) the grant will be provided only in respect of technical civil works and eligible plant & machinery. (iii) cost norms of mission for integrated development of horticulture (midh) issued by department of agriculture, co-operation and farmers welfare will be followed wherever available. for facilities not covered under midh guidelines, cost norms as determined by the ministry will be followed. (iv) the sc or st promoter(s), as the case may be, holding 100% stake in the implementing agency/ firm, will be treated as st/ sc proposals and will be treated at par with ne states for the purpose of extending benefits under the scheme. for any change in the constitution/ composition of such proposals, prior permission of ministry shall be required. 8. basic eligibility criteria: the proposals have to meet the following basic eligibility criteria under the scheme: (a) the net worth of the applicant should be at least 1.5 times of the grant applied for. the net worth will be calculated as follows: - (i) in respect of pvt. ltd./ public ltd. companies: page 6 of 45 the net worth will be ascertained based on the paid-up share capital of the company and reserves created out of profits. a latest provisional balance sheet duly certified by the statutory auditor of the company needs to be submitted for ascertaining the net worth. share application money would be considered towards calculation of net worth provided the same has been converted into paid up capital within stipulated time as per companies act but, in any case, it should be converted into paid up capital before submission of the proposal to the ministry. revaluation reserves only in respect of land & building may be considered for ascertaining the net worth, which will be based on circle rates duly supported by circle rate notification and land ownership documents. in case of pvt. ltd./ public ltd. companies where a significant portion of its net worth stands invested in equity shares of unlisted companies or is shown as loans & advances to various parties with nil or negligible income/revenue, then following additional documents would be required to be submitted by the applicant to ascertain the net worth: - a. details of investments made in unlisted companies by the applicant company, b. audited financial statements (afs) for the previous year or latest provisional balance sheet of the companies wherein the investment has been made, c. details of loans & advances along with reasons/justification for the same, d. in case it is observed that the equity contribution made by the promoter company has been utilised by the investee company in creating tangible assets/ capital work in progress in projects which are under execution then such investments in shares would be considered at face value. e. however, in case it is observed that the investment by the promoter company is further being reinvested by the investee company in equity shares of unlisted companies or given away as long term/short term advance to individuals/related party/other companies and the investor company has nil/negligible income/ revenue, then no additional clarification shall be asked for and the net worth of such promoter company shall be considered after deducting such investments/loans & advances (ii) in respect of proprietorship/ partnership firms / ngos / cooperatives/ shgs etc. the net worth of all entities other than companies will be ascertained on the basis of latest balance sheet of individual proprietor/partner(s) i.e. assets minus all liabilities, duly certified by the chartered accountant (ca). following components would be considered towards net worth: - page 7 of 45 assets include cash, current value of investments, land and building (supported by valuation report at circle rate, circle rate notification and land ownership documents), bonds, cash value of life insurance, current total balance of savings, current or fixed deposit accounts. the following methodology shall be adopted for determining the net worth: a. net-worth would be sum of the net-worth of the individual partners and the partnership firm (avoiding duplication of the investment in the partner’s capital account of the firm) & the investments of each individual partner towards the partnership firm. b. if the applicant is ongoing partnership/proprietorship firm and the applicant has submitted audited balance sheet of such partnership/proprietorship firm, net worth based on the audited balance sheet will be taken into consideration. however, if the net worth as per balance sheet is insufficient then the ca certified statement of assets and liabilities of the individual partners/proprietors will be taken into consideration provided assets are supported by relevant documents as per the guidelines. c. however, since in a partnership/proprietorship firm, liability of partners/proprietors is unlimited, therefore the applicant should submit ca certified “nil liability statement” or statement of “assets and liabilities” of the individual partners/proprietors and the net liabilities based on these statements will be deducted while ascertaining the net worth. (iii) the aforementioned net worth components need to be supported by relevant documents (iv) shares of unlisted companies will be considered at face value for net worth and shares of listed companies will be considered based on the average market price of the share for a period of 6 months prior to date of submission of proposal. (v) assets such as car, jewellery, antiques, gold etc. would not be considered for net worth. (vi) loans and advances given to group companies/related concerns/individuals will also not be considered towards computation of net worth. (vii) the applicant(s) will have to give a self-certification regarding the details of the encumbrance of the property submitted by them towards the net worth. (b) in-principle or final term loan sanction from the bank/financial institution. the date of sanction of term loan should not be earlier than the date of issue of eoi. (c) availing term loan from the bank / financial institutions (fi) for an amount not less than page 8 of 45 20% of the project cost, except in case of north east states. in case of north east states term loan amount shall not be less than 10%. (d) a detailed appraisal note from the bank/financial institution specific to the proposal. detailed project report /techno economic viability report merely stamped or endorsed by the bank/ fi without detailed appraisal note shall not be considered as valid appraisal note and such proposals will not be considered for financial assistance. (e) infusion of equity of at least 20% and 10% of the total project cost respectively for projects in general areas and for projects in north east states, himalayan states, islands & itdp areas. (f) same applicant/ organization shall not be entitled for more than two grants from the ministry under any of its schemes in five years. (g) applicants/ promoters who have availed assistance under any other scheme of the ministry and apply under this scheme, then in such cases the previous project (s) should have achieved completion and commenced commercial operation/ production and successfully completed at least one year before the date of advertisement of eoi of this scheme. (h) no second proposal from the existing promoter(s), who have availed grant-in-aid for any of the cold chain projects from the ministry of food processing industries, will be entertained. (i) expansion /upgradation of the existing facility(ies) in the same premises will not be entertained. (j) the grant will be restricted only to the plant & machinery and technical civil work created after the date of issue of expression of interest [eoi]. (k) the applicant will have to set up the component of farm level infrastructure and any one or both of the components from (b) and (c) in para 4 above. location of the farm level infrastructure should be clearly indicated in the dpr as well as bank appraisal note. (l) considering the functional nature of the facility, irradiation facility will be treated as a standalone project for the purpose of availing grant. (m) date of commercial operation should not be prior to the date of issue of eoi. (n) not more than one application from the same applicant / company will be entertained. an application will be considered as second proposal if there are cross holdings of the promoter(s)/partner(s) between two applicants/entities. shareholding pattern in case of companies, partnership deed and details of partner’s capital accounts in case of partnership firms shall be submitted. further, the details of pan numbers of promoter(s)/partner(s) for an applicant entity shall also be submitted. page 9 of 45 (o) all equipment/ plant & machinery of the project should be new. reconditioned/refurbished equipment/ plant & machinery will not be eligible for grant. (p) in case of dairy proposals whether process is automatic or not should be clearly mentioned in the proposal. in case of automatic plant, details of automatic components envisaged should be given in dpr. (q) the processing components and capacity of reefer/insulated vans mentioned in the approval letter will not be allowed to be dropped at subsequent stage. (r) if applicant is not present during the technical committee (tc) meetings and inter ministerial approval committee (imac) meetings, the proposal shall be deferred for consideration. 9. documents and fee required: 9.1 following documents are required to be uploaded on-line, duly signed by the lead promoter/ authorised signatory [when original documents are in regional language they should be accompanied by self-certified english/ hindi translation]: - (a) detailed project report (dpr) in the prescribed template as at appendix-i. (b) ca/statutory auditor certificate in support of net-worth of the proposed project along with documentary proof. (c) net-worth supporting documents as detailed in para 8 (a) (d) ca/statutory auditor certificate as per appendix-ii for the proposed project cost and means of finance. (e) the proposed component wise cost breakup of technical and other civil work by the chartered engineer (civil) as per appendix-iii. (f) the proposed component wise cost breakup of p&m by the chartered engineer (mechanical) as per appendix-iv. (g) in-principle or final term loan sanction from the bank/ financial institution for availing term loan for an amount not less than 20% of the project cost, except in case of north east states. in case of north east states term loan amount shall not be less than 10%. (h) a detailed appraisal note, specific to the scheme, from the lending bank / financial institution. (i) certi
Laatste Update: 2020-07-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
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