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halat a gólyáknak!!!
halat a gólyáknak!!!
Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
a request for a partial interim review of regulation (ec) no 1601/2001 was received from has Çelik ve halat sanayi ticaret a.s.
una richiesta di riesame intermedio del regolamento (ce) n. 1601/2001 è stata presentata dalla has Çelik ve halat sanayi ticaret a.s.
(90) there are two exporting producers in turkey; both celik halat (halat) and has celik (has) cooperated in the expiry review investigation and has cooperated in the partial interim review concerning its level of dumping.
(90) in turchia esistono due produttori esportatori: celik halat ("halat") e has celik ("has") hanno cooperato entrambi all'inchiesta del riesame in previsione della scadenza e has ha cooperato all'esame intermedio parziale relativo al suo livello di dumping.