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this link references the end of a sequence of documents.
이 링크는 연속된 문서의 맨 마지막을 참조합니다.
Laatste Update: 2011-10-23
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
a sequence of short beeps after turning the power on may indicate that there was a problem during <PROTECTED> <PROTECTED> memory device detection.
전원을 켰을 때 일련의 짧은 경고음이 울리면 <PROTECTED> <PROTECTED> 메모리 장치를 감지하는 중 문제가 발생했다는 것을 나타냅니다.
if the file is opened for writing, only forward seeks are supported; gzseek then compresses a sequence of zeroes up to the new starting position.
만약 파일이 읽기속성으로 열린 경우, 이 함수는 에뮬레이트 될 수 있지만 매우 느릴수도 있다. 만일 쓰기 속성으로 열린경우에는, 오직 순차검색만을 지원한다. :gzseek는 새 시작위치까지 0의 연속으로 압축한다.(이상해서 원문을 포함합니다.) 원문:if the file is opened for reading, this function is emulated but can be extremely slow. if the file is opened for writing, only forward seeks are supported; gzseek then compresses a sequence of zeroes up to the new starting position.
select this option to create a procedure. a procedure is a sequence of ordered steps, describing to the reader how to perform a task. you can add nested substeps. here is one example of a procedure: first step. second step. first substep of the second step.
select this option to create a procedure. a procedure is a sequence of ordered steps, describing to the reader how to perform a task. you can add nested substeps. here is one example of a procedure: first step. second step. first substep of the second step.
\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>specifies the sequence of the selected items, where "0" corresponds to the first item. to select more than one item, multiselection must be enabled.\</ahelp\>
\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>선택한 항목의 순서를 지정합니다. 여기서 “0”은 첫 번째 항목에 해당합니다. 두 개 이상의 항목을 선택하려면 다중 선택 옵션이 활성화되어야 합니다.\</ahelp\>
Enkele menselijke vertalingen met lage relevantie werden verborgen.
Toon lage-relevantie resultaten.