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it provides excellent accompaniment for fish , shellfish and light meat dishes .
odlično prati bijelu ribu , školjke i rakove te laganija mesna jela .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
the piano accompaniment of the famous opera singers was the task of maestro mario Č opor .
klavirska je pratnja poznatih opernih izvođača bila prepuštena maestru mariu Čoporu .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
enjoy the famous old flair of opatija with relaxing musical accompaniment and a glass of champagne .
uz laganu glazbu i čašu šampanjca sigurno ćete uživati u poznatom opatijskom flairu .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
they performed to the accompaniment of the bucharest symphony orchestra, conducted by constantin adrian grigore.
nastupili su u pratnji bukureštanskog simfonijskog orkestra kojim je ravnao constantin adrian grigore.
Laatste Update: 2016-01-20
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2
the bearer manipulates the pole to open and close the mouth as he dances, to the accompaniment of flute music.
nosač upravlja motkom kako bi "koza" otvarala i zatvarala usta dok on pleše uz pratnju flaute.
Laatste Update: 2016-01-20
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
Waarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak
economic and monetary union is a logical accompaniment to the single market and a major political milestone on the road to a united europe.
kac ao logična nadopuna jedinstvenom tržištu, ekonomsko-monetama unija je golemi politički putokaz ka konačnom europskom ujedinjenju.
Laatste Update: 2014-02-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
it involves two-part singing without instrumental accompaniment and with specific tone intervals reminiscent of the oldest forms of heterophony .
to je dvoglasno pjevanje bez instrumentalne pratnje , specifičnih tonskih odnosa koji upućuju na najstarije oblike heterofoničnosti .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
they are mainly played in two ways : as an accompaniment to the drum , or as a solo instrument as a rhythmic background for songs .
uglavnom se sviraju na dva načina : kao pratnja bubnju ili kao solo instrument za ritmičku podlogu pri izvođenju pjesama .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
freshly grated ribanac is a high-quality and tasty accompaniment of many dishes - ranging from soups and pasta to meat and sauces .
svježe ribani ribanac prehrambeno je visokovrijedan i ukusan dodatak mnogim jelima - od juha i tjestenina pa sve do mesa i umaka .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
dengbejs are musical bards who narrate life experience in a specific musical form, traditionally, the oldest musical form -- the human voice, with no musical accompaniment.
dengbeji su glazbeni bardovi koji o životnim iskustvima pripovijedaju kroz specifičnu glazbenu formu, tradicionalnu najstariju glazbenu formu - ljudskim glasom bez glazbene pratnje.
Laatste Update: 2016-01-20
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
in brazil , for example , polltakers frightened for their lives had to have an accompaniment while they were interviewing men in notorious favela of rio de janeiro , while in south africa the usual problem is the poor response of white men .
primjerice , u brazilu su anketari bili u strahu za vlastiti život te su morali imati pratnju kada su intervjuirali muškarce u ozloglašenoj faveli rio de janeira , dok je u južnoafričkoj republici uobičajen problem kad god se rade istraživanja izuzetno slab odaziv bijelaca .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
let all you do have the lord 's word for accompaniment ( cf . col 3:7 ; 1 cor 10:31 ) .”
rim 10, 8 ) da sve što budete činili bude po riječi gospodnjoj ( usp kol 3, 7 ; 1 kor 10, 31 ) .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
their performance , which quite made the gathered audience dance , was wrapped up by playing the so-called gypsy tarantela , which was performed by the musicians off stage , and with no instrumental accompaniment .
njihov nastup , koji je dobrano rasplesao okupljenu publiku , okončan je izvedbom tzv . gipsy tarantele , koju su muzičari , izveli izvan pozornice i bez instrumentalne pratnje .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
the smaller , but not less attractive square – the riviera square , featured the folk groups of batana and polzer , as well as the accompaniment by members of marco garbino . the art photography exhibition entitled “ with love from rovinj” by filip peternelo was an option too .
na manjem , ali ništa manje atraktivnom trgu - trgu rivijera nastupale su folk skupine " batana " i " polzer " , kao i bitinaduri " marca garbina " a mogla se pogledati i izložba umjetničke fotografije " s ljubavlju rovinj " autora filipa peternela .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
Waarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak