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i went to play football
म फुटबल खेल्न गएँ
Laatste Update: 2023-08-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
one day i went to the zoo
एक दिनको कुरा हो म चिडियाखाना गएको थिएँ
Laatste Update: 2023-09-04
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
i went to clinic for check up today
Laatste Update: 2024-11-07
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
after lockdown i went to my village along with my parents to spend my holidays. it took us around 20 hrs from the capital to reach our village in bus.
मेरो नाम रिशाभ हो
Laatste Update: 2021-05-10
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
i am going to share with you my exciting experience of my visit to the organic farm. recently, my friend and i went to an organic farm. this place is called “himgiri organic and permaculture garden”.
Laatste Update: 2020-06-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
i spent my winter vacation by doing a lot of things like playing football with my friends, my sister and my dog. i went to my cousins house, we had fun.i played mobile games when i was alone and me and my family went to mela, i played alot of games there, we had fun and i ate tasty foods. i helped my mommy and my dad to do house hold works
मैले मेरा साथीहरू, मेरी बहिनी र मेरो कुकुरसँग फुटबल खेल्ने जस्ता धेरै चीजहरू गरेर मेरो जाडो छुट्टी बिताएँ। म मेरो काकाको घर गएँ, हामीले रमाइलो गर्यौं। म एक्लै हुँदा मोबाइलमा गेम खेल्थें र म र मेरो परिवार मेलामा जान्थें, मैले त्यहाँ धेरै गेम खेलें, हामीले रमाइलो गर्यौं र मैले स्वादिष्ट खाना खाएँ। मैले मेरो आमा र बुबालाई घरको काम गर्न मद्दत गरें
Laatste Update: 2023-02-07
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
i am going to share with you my exciting experience of my visit to the organic farm. recently, my friend and i went to an organic farm. this place is called “himgiri organic and permaculture garden”. it is in nayapati- gokarna, kathmandu which is about 15 km from ratnapark. we went in hike during lockdown. it took a long time to reach there but enjoyable walking. i was excited to see the farm and the different kind of vegetables, fruits, herbs and plants. we were welcomed by the owner of the farm and she took us around. this organic farm was divided into sections. she told us that each plant has to be planted in a section. she taught us how to pick strawberries and salad leafs. we also got to taste the strawberries and some local berries… yummy! and then, we went to the cow and chicken field. my friend and i walk around and played swing together in top corner field. it was fun to pluck the tree berries, as we had to jump and pull out the whole tree trunk to pick it. finally, we went to the small river like base and pluckily pulled out the delicious yellow berries from its spike splinter bushes tree. we also ate the cow’s organic milk. after seeing all these plants and vegetables, we gain ideas and knowledge on how it grows and its health benefits in human body and positive impact in environment ecosystem. we buy some green leafy vegetables and berries and hiked back to home. i enjoyed my trip to the farm and if i get a chance to visit the farm again, i wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Laatste Update: 2020-06-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2