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wish u and your family a very and prosperous pongal
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Laatste Update: 2024-01-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
coming to you
Laatste Update: 2021-05-07
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
god is good to you
Laatste Update: 2020-07-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
i will get back to you
ndiza kubuyela kuwe
Laatste Update: 2024-02-02
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
early morning of 2011 i made a decision to not bring you into this world and now you are 9yrs old i name you today khumo lechuti khumo you could have been my son please forgive me and that i made a decision out of fear and worry and shouldnt have done that you would have brought so much joy into mylife early morning of 2011 i made a decision to not bring you into this world and now you are 9yrs old i name you today khumo lechuti khumo you could have been my son please forgive me and that i made a decision out of fear and worry and shouldnt have done that you would have brought so much joy into mylife khumo you have a little sister kutlwano onnelenna lechuti she is just a bright spark she saw the sun yet yours set before it could rise in the morning forgive me my baby it cuts me deep when i look outside and see that my boy would be running with other kids khumo you are loved by me your mother colleen boitumelo lechuti i ask now let your spirit meet the elders in one union and dont ever again roam around know that you have been loved by me my son i can't turn back time what i know for sure is that i love you and ask you to forgive me , yours sincerley mother colleen boitumelo lechuti i will forever love you my boy in spirit will cherish everyday of mylife khumo you have a little sister kutlwano onnelenna lechuti she is just a bright spark she saw the sun yet yours set before it could ris
early morning of 2011 i made a decision to not bring you into this world and now you are 9yrs old i name you today khumo lechuti khumo you could have been my son please forgive me and that i made a decision out of fear and worry and shouldnt have done that you would have brought so much joy into mylife khumo you have a little sister kutlwano onnelenna lechuti she is just a bright spark she saw the sun yet yours set before it could rise in the morning forgive me my baby it cuts me deep when i look outside and see that my boy would be running with other kids khumo you are loved by me your mother colleen boitumelo lechuti i ask now let your spirit meet the elders in one union and dont ever again roam around know that you have been loved by me my son i can't turn back time what i know for sure is that i love you and ask you to forgive me , yours sincerley mother colleen boitumelo lechuti i will forever love you my boy in spirit will cherish everyday of mylife