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Laatste Update: 2014-08-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
on behalf of plaid cymru -- the party of wales , i thank the chief inspector for a polished and comprehensive report
ar ran plaid cymru -- the party of wales , diolchaf i'r prif arolygydd am adroddiad graenus a chynhwysfawr
the lack of a sophisticated spelling and grammar checker such as <PROTECTED>, and the dictionary package <PROTECTED>, that work within their environment is a significant weakness in their ability to provide books and other materials in polished and grammatically correct welsh.
mae diffyg gwirydd sillafu a gramadeg soffistigedig fel <PROTECTED>, a'r pecyn geiriaduron <PROTECTED>, sy'n gweithio o fewn eu hamgylchedd hwy yn wendid sylweddol yn eu gallu i ddarparu llyfrau a deunyddiau eraill mewn cymraeg di-wall a graenus.
david melding : did your officials draw your attention to the financial times review of the wales millennium centre on 26 april ? it says that the theatre is a stunner , handsome in aspect , welcoming , vastly attractive in its interiors , with slate and oak and polished steel , and with an auditorium that stresses terracotta and pale wood with faultless sight lines and acoustics , and a stage that shows off dancing excellently
david melding : a dynnodd eich swyddogion eich sylw at adolygiad y financial times o ganolfan mileniwm cymru ar 26 ebrill ? dywed fod y theatr yn drawiadol , yn hardd yr olwg , yn atyniadol , yn ddeniadol iawn y tu mewn , gyda llechen a derw a haearn gloyw , ac awditoriwm sy'n pwysleisio terracotta a phren golau gyda llinellau golwg ac acwsteg perffaith , a llwyfan sy'n arddangosfa wych ar gyfer dawnsio