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do or die
wafa wafa
Laatste Update: 2022-10-31
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
experience has proved that widows are inundated with offers for "get-rich-quick" schemes.
amava esinawo angqina abahlolokazi kudala benoboqhophololo bokufuna "zizityebi ngomzuzu".
Laatste Update: 2018-02-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
Waarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak
and if a man borrow ought of his neighbour, and it be hurt, or die, the owner thereof being not with it, he shall surely make it good.
xa athe umntu waboleka inkomo kummelwane wakhe, yaza yaphuka, mhlawumbi yafa, engekho umniniyo, makayimisele.
Laatste Update: 2012-05-05
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
real morale will show itself by a cheerful willingness to perform tasks, no matter what the nature, a general atmosphere in a ship of unforced smartness and good- natured efficiency, or a do-or-die effort to the last whistle on the sports field, no matter how overwhelming the odds against winning.
umoya wokwenene wawubenza bakhangeleke bonwabile ekwenzeni umsebenzi nokuba imeko zinjani, nje jikelele apha enqanaweni nokuba kumnandi okanye kunzima ebaleni.
Laatste Update: 2018-02-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1