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sono capace di “far vedere” la mia fede con rispetto, ma anche con coraggio?
let us take this question with us, to think about it during the day: how am i faithful to christ? am i able to “make my faith seen with respect, but also with courage?
onorevole plooij-van gorsel, verificheremo con estrema attenzione quale delle versioni debba far fede.
mrs plooij-van gorsel, we shall very carefully examine the question of which version is the authoritative one.
l afghanistan ha aderito nel 1997 al trattato per la messa al bando delle mine, o convenzione di ottawa, l 11 settembre 2002 e sta ora lavorando intensamente per far fede all accordo.
afghanistan joined the 1997 mine ban treaty, or ottawa convention, on 11 september 2002 and is now working vigorously to implement the agreement.
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