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produkti razgradnje fibrina
fibrin degradation products
Laatste Update: 2017-04-26
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
macitentan ima četiri primarna puta metaboličke razgradnje.
macitentan has four primary metabolic pathways.
Laatste Update: 2017-04-26
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
mokraćna kiselina popratni je proizvod razgradnje stanica.
uric acid is a by-product of the breakdown of cells.
Laatste Update: 2017-04-26
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
dokazan je utjecaj razgradnih produkata jednog polimera na proces razgradnje drugog polimera .
the effect of the degradation products of one polymer on the degradation process of the other polymer in the blend was estabilished .
linearni put najvjerojatnije je posljedica izvanstanične razgradnje proteina neutrofilnom elastazom i drugim plazmatskim proteazama.
the linear pathway is likely due to extracellular protein degradation by neutrophil elastase and other plasma proteases.
eksperimenti na štakorima pokazuju da su jetra i bubrezi glavni organi aktivne pohrane i lizosomske razgradnje.
experiments in rats indicate that the liver and the kidneys are the main organs of active uptake and lysosomal degradation.
- rješavanje kinetike formiranja i razgradnje pojedinih visokotemperaturnih defekata u različitim vrstama polikristaliničnog silicija .
-research on the formation and degradation of some high-temperature defects in varius types of polycristalline silicon .
dobiveni rezultati upućuju da se lipidne komponente nakon razgradnje u intratekalnom prostoru hidroliziraju i obilno inkorporiraju u tkiva.
the results suggest that the lipid components undergo hydrolysis and are largely incorporated in the tissues following breakdown in the intrathecal space.
dozu treba prilagoditi u bolesnika koji uzimaju druge lijekove koji mogu utjecati na način razgradnje lijeka aripiprazole accord u tijelu.
the dose should be adjusted in patients who are taking other medicines that affect the way aripiprazole accord is broken down in the body.
dozu treba prilagoditi u bolesnika koji uzimaju druge lijekove, koji mogu utjecati na način razgradnje lijeka aripiprazole mylan pharma u tijelu.
the dose should be adjusted in patients who are taking other medicines that affect the way aripiprazole mylan pharma is broken down in the body.
anaerobna digestija sastoji se od pretežno anaerobne, kontrolirane razgradnje biorazgradivih materijala i odvija se na temperaturama prikladnim za mezofilne ili termofilne bakterije.
the anaerobic digestion shall consist in controlled decomposition of biodegradable materials, which is predominantly anaerobic and at temperatures suitable for mesophilic or thermophilic bacteria.
bimatoprost se biotransformira preko mnogih enzima i raznih putova razgradnje; u nekliničkim ispitivanjima nisu zabilježeni učinci na jetrene enzime koji metaboliziraju lijekove.
bimatoprost is biotransformed by any of multiple enzymes and pathways, and no effects on hepatic drug metabolising enzymes were observed in preclinical studies.
mišićni simptomi se mogu pogoršati i postati ozbiljni te ponekad dovesti do razgradnje mišića (rabdomioliza) koja može uzrokovati oštećenje bubrega.
muscle symptoms may progress and become serious, sometimes leading to muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis) which can cause kidney damage.