Van professionele vertalers, bedrijven, webpagina's en gratis beschikbare vertaalbronnen.
"world of criminal justice, vol.
"world of criminal justice, vol.
Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
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c) african journal on crime and criminal justice
(c) african journal on crime and criminal justice
Laatste Update: 2016-11-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
criminal justice and behavior 27(2) 234-55.
criminal justice and behavior 27(2) 234-55.
Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
manual for the development of a system of criminal justice statistics
manual for the development of a system of criminal justice statistics
Laatste Update: 2016-11-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
assessment guide to the criminal justice response to the smuggling of migrants
assessment guide to the criminal justice response to the smuggling of migrants
Laatste Update: 2016-11-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
- anthropology, social control, criminal justice system, perceptions, data
- -
Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
- criminal justice act 1989 (ley, de 1989, de jurisdicción penal)
anti-discrimination act 1991 criminal justice act 1989
Laatste Update: 2016-11-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
» pm: direct attack on criminal justice system (trinidad guardian)
» pm: direct attack on criminal justice system (trinidad guardian)
Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
criminal justice responses to trafficking in persons: asean practitioner guidelines, junio de 2007
criminal justice responses to trafficking in persons: asean practitioner guidelines, june 2007
Laatste Update: 2016-11-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
norvind además estudió psicología forense en el "john jay college of criminal justice".
norvind also pursued graduate studies in forensic psychology at john jay college of criminal justice.
Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
Waarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak
criminal justice (scotland) act 1980 (ley de justicia penal de 1980 para escocia)
criminal justice (scotland) act 1980
Laatste Update: 2016-11-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
en noviembre de 2011 se publicó un manual titulado the criminal justice response to support victims of acts of terrorism.
a handbook entitled the criminal justice response to support victims of acts of terrorism was launched in november 2011.
Laatste Update: 2016-11-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
casale, s. y stockdale, e., editores, criminal justice under stress, blackstone press, 1992
casale, s. and stockdale, e., eds., criminal justice under stress, blackstone press, 1992.
Laatste Update: 2016-11-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
"at the same time, in the area of crime prevention and criminal justice, important steps have also been taken.
"at the same time, in the area of crime prevention and criminal justice, important steps have also been taken.
Laatste Update: 2016-11-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
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contribuye a la labor de ese grupo con su instrumento de asistencia técnica the criminal justice response to support victims of acts of terrorism.
its technical assistance tool the criminal justice response to support victims of acts of terrorism represents the contribution of the office to that group.
Laatste Update: 2016-11-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
the admissibility of illegally obtained evidence: a study in the theoretical foundations of criminal justice (publicación pendiente)
the admissibility of illegally obtained evidence: a study in the theoretical foundations of criminal justice (to be published)
Laatste Update: 2016-11-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 3
a) se elaboraron artículos de investigación para su publicación en el tercer número de la revista african journal of crime and criminal justice;
(a) research-based articles for the third edition of the african journal of crime and criminal justice have been processed;
Laatste Update: 2016-11-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
:: the admissibility of illegally obtained evidence: a study in the theoretical foundations of criminal justice (publicación pendiente)
:: the admissibility of illegally obtained evidence: a study in the theoretical foundations of criminal justice dissertation in partial fulfilment for the degree of bachelor of laws, university of nairobi (to be published)
Laatste Update: 2016-11-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
* finkler, harold w. "inuit and the administration of criminal justice in the northwest territories the case of frobisher bay".
* finkler, harold w. "inuit and the administration of criminal justice in the northwest territories the case of frobisher bay".
Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
Waarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak
(ver, en inglés,
Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1