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caso del sr. yong-dae kim


mr. yong-dae kim's case

Laatste Update: 2016-11-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


daniel dae kim (4 de agosto de 1968) es un actor estadounidense de origen coreano.


daniel dae kim (born august 4, 1968) is an american actor, producer, and director.

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


jin-soo kwon (daniel dae kim) es detenido debido a que no declaró una gran cantidad de efectivo en el formulario debido.


jin-soo kwon (daniel dae kim) is detained after he fails to declare a large amount of cash on his customs form.

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


=== casting ===en febrero de 2010, se anunció que daniel dae kim había sido elegido para interpretar a chin ho kelly, un ex policía entrenado por el padre de steve mcgarrett.


=== casting ===in february 2010, it was announced that daniel dae kim had been cast to play chin ho kelly, an ex-cop trained by steve mcgarrett's father.

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


en los barracones, sawyer, juliet, jin (daniel dae kim), hurley y miles deciden que huirán al campamento original de los supervivientes en la playa, abandonando dharma.


at the barracks, sawyer, juliet, jin (daniel dae kim), hurley and miles decide that they will flee to the survivors' original beach, abandoning dharma.

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


los otros envían a kate, jin-soo kwon (daniel dae kim) y dos de los suyos, incluyendo a aldo (rob mcelhenney), para traer a sawyer de vuelta.


the others send kate, jin-soo kwon (daniel dae kim) and two of their own, including aldo (rob mcelhenney), to bring sawyer back.

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


== elenco y personajes ===== elenco principal ===* david boreanaz como angel* charisma carpenter como cordelia chase (no aparece en "loyalty", "sleep tight" y "forgiving")* alexis denisof como wesley wyndam-pryce* j. august richards como charles gunn* amy acker como winifred "fred" burkle=== elenco secundario ===* andy hallett como lorne (18 episodios)* stephanie romanov como lilah morgan (14 episodios)* keith szarabajka como daniel holtz (11 episodios)* daniel dae kim como gavin park (8 episodios)* jack conley como sahjhan (7 episodios)* laurel holloman como justine cooper (7 episodios)* mark lutz como groosalugg (7 episodios)* julie benz como darla (5 episodios)* john rubinstein como linwood murrow (5 episodios)* vincent kartheiser como connor (4 episodios)* david denman como skip (3 episodios)* matthew james como merl (2 episodios)== episodios ==== recepción ==la tercera temporada fue nominada a tres premios saturn a– mejor serie de televisión, mejor actor de televisión (david boreanaz) y mejor rostro femenino (amy acker).


== cast and characters ===== main cast ===* david boreanaz as angel (22 episodes)* charisma carpenter as cordelia chase (19 episodes)* alexis denisof as wesley wyndam-pryce (22 episodes)* j. august richards as charles gunn (22 episodes)* amy acker as winifred "fred" burkle (22 episodes)=== recurring cast ===* andy hallett as lorne (18 episodes)* stephanie romanov as lilah morgan (14 episodes)* keith szarabajka as daniel holtz (11 episodes)* daniel dae kim as gavin park (8 episodes)* jack conley as sahjhan (7 episodes)* laurel holloman as justine cooper (7 episodes)* mark lutz as groosalugg (7 episodes)* julie benz as darla (5 episodes)* john rubinstein as linwood murrow (5 episodes)* vincent kartheiser as connor (4 episodes)* david denman as skip (3 episodes)* matthew james as merl (2 episodes)== crew ==series creators joss whedon and david greenwalt served as executive producers, while greenwalt would serve as the series' showrunner as whedon was running "buffy" and developing his new series, "firefly".

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

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