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también debes de entender que en la música clásica del riq es el líder de la sección de percusiones dentro de la orquesta.
you also have to understand that in classical music the riq is the leader of the orchestra’s percussion section.
== tipos de tambores de marco ==* adufe (portugal)* bendir (noráfrica, turquía)* bodhrán (irlanda)* buben (rusia)* daf (irán, kurdistán, azerbaiján, turquía, medio oriente)* daffu (india)* dayereh (irán, asia central, balcanes)* doyra (uzbekistán)* epirotiko defi (grecia)* ghaval (azerbaiján)* kanjira (sur de la india)* mazhar (egipto)* pandeiro (brasil)* pandereta de tuna, rondalla y estudiantina (españa, filipinas, latinoamérica)* pandero (españa)* pandero cuequero (chile)* pandero jarocho (méxico)* plenera (puerto rico)* ramana (tailandia)* ravann (mauricio)* riq (mundo arábe)* tamborim (brasil)* tambourine (europa, estados unidos)* tamburello (italia)* tammorra (italia)* tar (noráfrica)* thappu (india)* timpan (rumania)* timbrel* uchiwa daiko (japón)== referencias ==== enlaces externos ==* glen velez* - info about instruments, videos, instructional material* frame drums* frame drum central* online community for frame drum and other world percussion* marla leigh* knock on wood frame drum page* frame drum videos* glen velez frame drum video
==types of frame drums==*adufe (portugal)*bendir (north africa, turkey)*bodhrán (ireland)*buben (russia)*crowdy-crawn (cornwall)*daf (iran, kurdistan, azerbaijan, turkey, middle east)*daires (greece)*duff, daff, daffli (india)*epirotiko defi (greece)*dayereh (iran, central asia, balkans)*dob (hungary)*doyra (uzbekistan)*dhyāngro (nepal)*ghaval (azerbaijan)*kanjira (india)*mazhar (egypt)*pandeiro (brazil)*pandereta or pandero (puerto rico)*pandereta (tuna, rondalla, estudiantina - spain, philippines and latinamerica)*pandero (españa)*pandero cuequero (chile)*pandero jarocho (mexico)*parai (india, sri lanka)*patayani thappu (india)*ramana (thailand)*ravann (mauritius)*rebana (southeast asia)*riq (arabic world)*sami drum (nordic and russia)*shaman drum*tamborim (brazil)*tambourine (europe, usa)*tamboutsia (cyprus)*tamburello (italy)*tammorra (italy)*tar (north africa)*thappu (india)*toph, tupim (israel)*timbrel*uchiwa daiko (japan)==references====external links==* glen velez* layne redmond* eckermann drums vienna, manufacture of custom drum membranes and instruments* frame drums* frame drum central* online community for frame drum and other world percussion* knock on wood frame drum page* frame drum videos* glen velez frame drum video* - videos, information and instruction about different frame drums