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el jiangxi international women's tennis open 2014 es un torneo de tenis profesional jugado en canchas duras.
the 2014 zhonghong jiangxi international women's tennis open was a professional tennis tournament played on hard courts.
el ningbo international women's tennis open 2013 es un torneo de tenis profesional que se juega en canchas duras.
the 2013 yinzhou bank ningbo international women's tennis open was a professional tennis tournament played on hard courts.
el evento está afiliado a la women's tennis association (wta), y es un wta international events.
the event is affiliated with the women's tennis association (wta), and is an international-level tournament on the wta tour.
el jiangxi international women's tennis open es un torneo para las jugadoras de tenis profesionales femenino jugado en canchas duras al aire libre.
the jiangxi international women's tennis open is a tournament for professional female tennis players played on outdoor hard courts.
2. véase el ejemplo de euratex (european apparel and textiles organisation), informe anual de 2006: “no olvidemos que la falsificación no es ni más ni menos que un robo y no debe quedar impune”. (traducción de la oficina internacional)
2. see e.g. euratex(european apparel and textiles organisation), annual report 2006: “let us not forget, counterfeiting is nothing less than theft, and this cannot go unpunished.”