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bu i chi gymeradwyo hynny
you signed up to that
Laatste Update: 2009-11-19 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie:
bu i oe ddatgan diddordeb.
oe declared an interest.
Laatste Update: 2008-11-17 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie:
ymddiheuraf os bu i mi gamglywed
i apologise if i did so
[ bu i oe gyrraedd y cyfarfod]
[oe arrived at the meeting]
Laatste Update: 2008-09-08 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie:
[ bu i nb gyrraedd y cyfarfod.]
[ nb arrived at the meeting.]
bu i chi sôn am fater dwy swydd
you mentioned the issue of two jobs
bu i chi gyfeirio at hynny , eleanor
you have referred to that , eleanor
bu i nb ddatgan diddordeb yn y drafodaeth hon.
nb declared an interest in this discussion.
Laatste Update: 2009-06-03 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie:
bu i sue essex a minnau gydweithio ar hynny
sue essex and i worked together on that
bu i brif weinidog cymru cystal â chadarnhau hynny
the first minister has as good as confirmed it
bu i chi sôn am eich amser yn y geidiaid , laura
you mentioned your time in the girl guides , laura
bu i ann jones eich canmol am weithredu'n gyflym
ann jones commended you on the rapid action that you have taken
bu i ddatganoli yn y du hanes anodd ac ingol weithiau
devolution has a difficult and sometimes tortured history in the uk
bu i gyngor bwrdeistref sirol rhondda cynon taf chwarae ei ran
rhondda cynon taf county borough council played its part
bu i 1345 o bobl gofrestru i dderbyn pecyn <PROTECTED> drwy wefan <PROTECTED>:
1345 people registered to receive a <PROTECTED> pack through the <PROTECTED> website:
Laatste Update: 2009-09-07 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie: Translated.comWaarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak
bu i bob siaradwr ganmol y gwasanaeth tân , a braf oedd clywed hynny
all speakers praised the fire service , and it was good to hear that
bu i chi dynnu ein sylw at hyn ynghynt , yn nyddiau cynnar y cynulliad
you brought this to our attention before , in the early days of the assembly
ceisiaf godi rhai o'r materion y bu i siaradwyr eraill gyfeirio atynt
i will try to pick up some of the issues referred to by other speakers
bu i bobl , cymunedau a'r mudiad llafur ymladd yn ôl yn y cymoedd
people , communities and the labour movement fought back in the valleys
bu i bob un ohonon drafod ymchwiliad clywch yr wythnos diwethaf a chlywsom yr honiadau ofnadwy
we all debated the clywch inquiry last week and heard about the terrible allegations