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bush wnaeth wneud e.
twin towers
Laatste Update: 2023-02-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
holly springscity name (optional, probably does not need a translation)
holly springs
Laatste Update: 2011-10-23
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
fel dywedodd rhywun , gwyr george bush bod arfau yno am ei fod wedi cadw derbynebau 10 neu 15 mlynedd yn ôl
as someone said , george bush knows that there are weapons there because he has kept the receipts from 10 or 15 years ago
dylem fel cynulliad cenedlaethol leisio beirniadaeth glir a digyfaddawd , fel y dylai prif weinidog cymru , yn erbyn hunanoldeb george bush ar y mater hwn
we , as the national assembly , should voice clear , uncompromising criticism , as should the first minister , of george bush's selfishness on this matter
mae'r arlywydd bush yn credu bod unol daleithiau america , dim ond oherwydd ei grym milwrol , yn cael newid rheolau brwydro
president bush thinks that the united states of america , because of its military might , can simply change the rules of engagement
cred fy mhlaid a minnau bod ymateb arlywydd bush , y prif weinidog a'r gynghrair y maent wedi'i ffurfio wedi bod yn briodol
my party and i think that the response of president bush , the prime minister and the alliance that they have built has been right
oni ddefnyddiodd bush y gair ` croesgad ' yn nyddiau cynnar ei ryfel honedig , fel y mae christine chapman wedi ein hatgoffa'n briodol ? gwnaethant hefyd weld y crafangu am olew y tu ôl i'r rhethreg wrthderfysgol
did bush not use the word ` crusade ' in the early days of his so-called war , as christine chapman has rightly reminded us ? they also perceived the grasping for oil beneath the anti-terrorist rhetoric