Você procurou por: aspirasies (Africâner - Inglês)

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ons het gesê dat dit 'n staat sou wees wat op die mense se behoeftes en aspirasies reageer, en wat beter en vinniger presteer.


we said it would be a state that responds to the needs and aspirations of the people, and which performs better and faster.

Última atualização: 2011-10-24
Frequência de uso: 1


goeie more, liewe onderwyser en medestudente. ek staan ​​op om jou 'n paar woorde oor myself te vertel. sommige van julle mag dink jy ken my, maar kan min van my weet. ek gaan met my gesinsagtergrond begin, dan myself en later my aspirasies. ek kom uit 'n familie van vier. dis net my pa, ma, ouer suster en ek. tans woon ek hier in annlin, maar lebowakgomo is waar ek huis toe gaan. in my gedagtes is dit genoeg oor my familie


good morning dear teacher and fellow students. i stood up here to tell you a few words about myself. some of you may think you know me but may know little about me. i'm gonna start off with my family background , then myself and later my aspirations. i come from a family of four . it's just my father , mother , elder sister and i . currently i am living here in annlin but lebowakgomo is where i call home. to my mind that is enough about my family

Última atualização: 2018-04-29
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo
Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível

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