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Última atualização: 2017-02-22
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


barbers het gedurende alle ouderdomme bestaan. in die antieke egiptiese kultuur is daar dus berig dat kappers teenwoordig is en ons word beskou as gerespekteerde individue. in antieke griekeland sou mans hul hare, baarde en vingernaels deur die kappers laat knip. barbering was ook gewild in die romeinse ryk en kapperswinkels is op die markplein gevind wat as plekke en tempels gedien het. in al hierdie gevalle, dws gereeld of af en toe by die heilige plekke, is dit die kappers wat hare skeer en snoei. addit


barbers existed during all ages. thus, in ancient egyptian culture barbers were reported to be present and we're considered to be respected individuals. in ancient greece men would have their hair, beards and fingernails trimmed by the barbers. barbering was popular in the roman empire too and barber shops were found in the marketplace which served as places and temples. in all these cases i. e, wether regularly or occasionally at the holy places, it is the barbers who shave and trim hair. addit

Última atualização: 2023-09-22
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: Anônimo

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