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die 1821 gegründete und aktuell von alexis georgacopoulos geleitete ecal bietet bachelor- und masterstudiengänge in den bereichen visuelle kommunikation, kunst und design.


founded in 1821 and currently headed up by alexis georgacopoulos, the ecal offers courses of study at bachelor and master level in the field of visual communication, art and design.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


jan boelen, leiter des bereichs master social design an der design academy eindhoven, anthony dunne, verantwortlicher des lehrgangs master design interaction am royal college of art in london und alexis georgacopoulos, direktor der ecal in lausanne, stellten in einer gemeinsamen runde die ausbildungskonzepte an ihren schulen vor. moderiert wurde das gespräch von claire favre-maxwell, kuratorin der aktuellen ausstellung mastering design im lausanner mudac, im rahmen derer noch bis zum 9. februar 2014 projekte von studenten und graduierten der design academy eindhoven und des royal college of art gezeigt werden.


jan boelen, director of the master of social design at the design academy eindhoven, anthony dunne, head of the course master of design interactions at the royal college of art in london and alexis georgacopoulos, director of ecal in lausanne, present the educational concepts of their schools in a joint discussion. the discussion was moderated by claire favre-maxwell, curator of the current exhibition mastering design at the mudac in lausanne, which is currently exhibiting projects of students and graduates of the design academy eindhoven and the royal college of art until february 9th 2014.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1

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