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market division

Última atualização: 2014-11-14
Frequência de uso: 5

Referência: IATE


ecbs markedsafdeling


a market room at the ecb

Última atualização: 2012-03-19
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: IATE


¡tom jurastuderende fik jeg studenterjob i udenrigsministeriets markedsafdeling.


1 joined the consumer policy service of the european commission in april 1993 after having first gained a masters degree at the college of europe, bruges and then taken part in the 'stage' within the commission.

Última atualização: 2014-02-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE


13 ved skrivelse af 16. oktober 1998 gav chefen for produktions- og markedsafdelingen ved det franske landbrugs- og fiskeriministeriums direktorat for produktion og handel sagsøgeren meddelelse om, at selskabets indsigelse ikke opfyldte betingelserne for en behandling i henhold til artikel 7, stk. 3, i forordning nr. 2081/92, hvorfor den ikke ville blive videresendt til kommissionen, navnlig da der allerede under proceduren for godkendelse af oprindelsesbetegnelsen på nationalt plan var blevet taget hensyn til de grunde, som indsigelsen var baseret på.


13 by letter dated 16 october 1998 the head of the production and markets department of the production and trade division of the french ministry of agriculture and fisheries notified the applicant that its objection did not comply with the conditions for admissibility laid down in article 7(3) of regulation no 2081/92 and would not, therefore, be forwarded to the commission, given, in particular, that the grounds on which it was formulated had already been taken into consideration during the procedure to recognise the designation of origin at national level.

Última atualização: 2014-02-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE

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