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Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1
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imprisonment. those who joined the demonstration (http://
imprisonment. those who joined the demonstration (http://
Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1
"the trial and imprisonment of joseph johnson, bookseller".
"the trial and imprisonment of joseph johnson, bookseller".
Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1
Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível
:: handbook of basic principles and promising practices on alternatives to imprisonment
:: handbook of basic principles and promising practices on alternatives to imprisonment
Última atualização: 2016-11-29
Frequência de uso: 1
:: handbook on diversion, restorative justice and alternatives to imprisonment for children in conflict with the law
:: handbook on diversion, restorative justice and alternatives to imprisonment for children in conflict with the law
Última atualização: 2016-11-29
Frequência de uso: 1
imprisonment (temporary provisions) act 1980 ley sobre encarcelamiento (disposiciones provisionales) de 1980
imprisonment (temporary provisions) act 1980
Última atualização: 2016-11-30
Frequência de uso: 1
2. committing the crime and causing serious consequences, the offenders shall be sentenced to between three and ten years of imprisonment.
2. committing the crime and causing serious consequences, the offenders shall be sentenced to between three and ten years of imprisonment.
Última atualização: 2016-11-30
Frequência de uso: 1
acogiendo con beneplácito la preparación por la oficina de las naciones unidas contra la droga y el delito del manual titulado handbook for prison managers and policymakers on women and imprisonment,
welcoming the development by the united nations office on drugs and crime of the handbook for prison managers and policymakers on women and imprisonment,
Última atualização: 2016-11-30
Frequência de uso: 5
in 2008, formosa plastics successfully sued dingel for fraud, with the 82-year-old dingel being sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
in 2008, formosa plastics successfully sued dingel for fraud, with the 82-year-old dingel being sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1
la publicación handbook on restorative justice programmes se ha descargado frecuentemente del sitio web de la onudd; también ha tenido buena acogida la publicación del handbook of basic principles and promising practices on alternatives to imprisonment.
the handbook on restorative justice programmes has been downloaded frequently from the unodc website; the handbook of basic principles and promising practices on alternatives to imprisonment has also been well received.
Última atualização: 2016-11-30
Frequência de uso: 1
la iniciativa se basa en una evaluación completa de las necesidades contenida en la obra afghanistan: implementing alternatives to imprisonment, in line with international standards and national legislation, publicada por la unodc en 2008.
the initiative is based on a comprehensive needs assessment outlined in afghanistan: implementing alternatives to imprisonment, in line with international standards and national legislation, published by unodc in 2008.
Última atualização: 2016-11-29
Frequência de uso: 1
crime prevention and alternatives to imprisonment (documento presentado a la reunión preparatoria interregional del octavo congreso, de las naciones unidas, viena, austria, 1988).
crime prevention and alternatives to imprisonment (paper presented to the united nations interregional preparatory meeting for the eighth congress, vienna, austria, 1988).
Última atualização: 2016-11-30
Frequência de uso: 1
"a summary of recommendations for the management of opioid dependence: the quality assurance in the treatment of drug dependence project ", drug and alcohol review, 13(3), 319 a 326; degenhardt, l., larney, s., gisev, n., trevena, j., burns, l., kimber, j., shanahan, m., butler, t., mattick, r.p. y weatherburn, d. (2014). "imprisonment of opioid-dependent people in new south wales, australia, 2000-2012: a retrospective linkage study ", australian new zealand journal of public health, 38(2), 165 a 170; degenhardt, l., larney, s., kimber, j., gisev, n., farrell, m., dobbins, t., weatherburn, d.j., gibson, a., mattick, r.p., butler, t. y burns, l. (2014). "the impact of opioid substitution therapy on mortality post-release from prison: retrospective data linkage study ", addiction, 109, 1306 a 1317; mattick, r.p., kimber, j., breen, c. y davoli, m. (2014). "buprenorphine maintenance versus placebo or methadone maintenance for opioid dependence ".
"a summary of recommendations for the management of opioid dependence: the quality assurance in the treatment of drug dependence project ", drug and alcohol review, 13(3), 319-326; degenhardt, l., larney, s., gisev, n., trevena, j., burns, l., kimber, j., shanahan, m., butler, t., mattick, r.p. and weatherburn, d. (2014). "imprisonment of opioid-dependent people in new south wales, australia, 2000-2012: a retrospective linkage study ", australian new zealand journal of public health, 38(2), 165-170; degenhardt, l., larney, s., kimber, j., gisev, n., farrell, m., dobbins, t., weatherburn, d.j., gibson, a., mattick, r.p., butler, t. and burns, l. (2014). "the impact of opioid substitution therapy on mortality post-release from prison: retrospective data linkage study ", addiction, 109, 1306-1317; mattick, r.p., kimber, j., breen, c. and davoli, m. (2014).
Última atualização: 2016-11-30
Frequência de uso: 1
Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível