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ydy’r bosib i ofyn i chi i edrych ar



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christine gwyther : yr oeddwn yn mynd i ofyn i chi pa bapurau newydd oedd yn mynd i fod yno


christine gwyther : i was going to ask you which newspapers there were going to be

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


mae rhannu penbwrdd kde yn gadael i chi wahodd rhywun mewn lleoliad pell i edrych ar ac efallai rheoli eich penbwrdd. rhagor ynglyn â gwahoddiadau...


an invitation creates a one-time password that allows the receiver to connect to your desktop. it is valid for only one successful connection and will expire after an hour if it has not been used. when somebody connects to your computer a dialog will appear and ask you for permission. the connection will not be established before you accept it. in this dialog you can also restrict the other person to view your desktop only, without the ability to move your mouse pointer or press keys. if you want to create a permanent password for desktop sharing, allow'uninvited connections' in the configuration.

Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com
Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível


16.32cafodd yr aelodau gyfle i edrych ar y canllaw ac i ofyn cwestiynau a 3chynnig sylwadau.


16.32the members were given the opportunity to look at the guide and ask questions and 3make comments.

Última atualização: 2009-06-04
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


ni ddylem fod yn rhy gaeth wrth ddweud wrth bwyllgorau sut i strwythuro eu gwaith ond cefnogaf ddyhead mike i ofyn i'r pwyllgor datblygu economaidd edrych ar y cynnig hwn a'i yrru yn ei flaen


we should not be too prescriptive in telling committees how to structure their work but i support mike's aspiration to ask the economic development committee to look at this proposal and drive it forward

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


cymeraf y cyfle hwn i ofyn i chi gytuno i gyhoeddi dadansoddiad o'r gyfradd ymateb fel y gallwn weld pa mor dda y mae adrannau unigol , megis materion gwledig , yn perfformio


i take this opportunity to ask you to agree to publish a breakdown of the response rate so that we can see how well individual departments , such as rural affairs , are performing

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


fe'ch holais i ofyn i chi ystyried claddu a defnyddio calch brwd , gan gau ffyrdd nad oeddent yn hanfodol , a gofyn i filfeddygon a oedd wedi ymddeol am gymorth a defnyddio'r fyddin


i questioned you to ask you to consider burying and using quicklime , closing non-essential roads , asking for help from retired vets and using the army

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


alun cairns : diolch i chi , lywydd , am y cyfle i ofyn i'r gweinidog ailadrodd yr hyn a ddywedodd am gyflwr gweithgynhyrchu yng nghymru


alun cairns : thank you , presiding officer , for the opportunity to ask the minister to repeat what he said about the state of manufacturing in wales

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


a allaf ofyn i chi'n benodol edrych ar y defnydd o iaith arwyddion a'r hyn y cyfeiriaf ato fel ` clustiau bionig ' i bobl fyddar ? yn amlach na pheidio , mae'r pwyslais ar iaith arwyddion


can i ask you in particular to look at the use of sign language and what i refer to as ` bionic ears ' for deaf people ? all too often , the emphasis is on sign language

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


yr ydym wedi cynnig y gwelliant cymedrol hwn yn enw jocelyn davies yn benodol i ofyn i chi -- ### nid i ostwng safonau addysgol drwy ddiddymu asesu yn gyfan gwbl ar ddiwedd cyfnod allweddol 2 -- ond i leihau'r baich biwrocrataidd costus ac ymddiried mwy yn ein hathrawon i asesu a diwallu anghenion ein disgyblion


we have proposed this moderate amendment in the name of jocelyn davies specifically to ask you not to lower educational standards by completely abolishing assessment at the end of key stage 2 , but rather to reduce the costly bureaucratic burden and place more trust in our teachers to assess and meet the needs of pupils

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


a yw'r ffaith bod adrannau tai awdurdodau lleol yn dal i ofyn i ddioddefwyr brofi eu bod yn cael eu cam-drin cyn rhoi llety iddynt yn peri pryder i chi ? nid yw hyn yn dderbyniol , a'r unig beth y mae'n ei wneud yw gwaethygu sefyllfa sydd eisoes yn dorcalonnus


does it concern you to learn that local authority housing departments are still asking victims to prove their abuse before giving them accommodation ? this is not acceptable , and all it does is compound a situation that is already harrowing

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com

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