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ysgol heb iaith, ysgol heb galon



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cenedl heb iaith cenedl heb galon


a nation without a language is a nation without a heart

Última atualização: 2018-11-26
Frequência de uso: 5

Referência: Anônimo


heb iaith , ni cheir meddwl


without language , there is no thought

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


mae gormod o ddisgyblion 16 oed yn gadael yr ysgol heb gymwysterau


too many 16-year-olds leave school without qualifications

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


yn ychwanegol at hynny , gan fod yr iaith yn rhan annatod o'r cwricwlwm cenedlaethol , ni fydd unrhyw unigolyn yn gadael yr ysgol heb unrhyw gefndir yn yr iaith


in addition to that , as the language is an integral part of the national curriculum , no individual will leave school without any background in the language

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


mae llawer o blant bach yn dechrau yn yr ysgol heb sgiliau gwrando , sgiliau chwarae na sgiliau cymdeithasol


many young children start school without listening , playing or social skills

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


bydd angen arian ychwanegol er mwyn cadw cofnod o ble mae pobl ifanc yn mynd pan adawant yr ysgol heb ennill cymwysterau , heb gwblhau eu haddysg bellach na phrosiect y fargen newydd


additional funding will be needed if a record is to be kept of where young people go when they leave school without gaining qualifications , without completing their further education or a new deal project

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


diolchaf i'r gweinidog ar ran yr holl blant hynny sydd yn mynd i'r ysgol heb unrhyw faeth -- heb frecwast , heb unrhyw beth


i thank the minister on behalf of all those children who go to school without any nutrition -- no breakfast , nothing

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


er bod canlyniadau saesneg a mathemateg yn gwella'n flynyddol , mae rhai pobl ifanc yn dal i adael yr ysgol heb sgiliau digonol


although english and maths results are improving yearly , youngsters still leave school with inadequate skills

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


fel y dywedodd jonathan , nid yw'n dderbyniol i blant yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain adael yr ysgol heb y sgiliau dysgu mwyaf sylfaenol


as jonathan said , it is not acceptable for children in the twenty-first century to leave school without the most basic learning skills

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


gallai'r teulu hwnnw fod heb gar , heb gyraeddiadau addysgol , efallai fod ynddo blant a ymadawodd â'r ysgol heb gymwysterau


that family may have no car , no educational achievement and children who have left school without qualifications

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


at hynny , bu gostyngiad o 16 y cant yn nifer y ddisgyblion sy'n gadael yr ysgol heb gymwysterau addysgol -- mae bellach yn 3 y cant


furthermore , there has been a 16 per cent reduction in the number of pupils leaving school without educational qualifications -- it now stands at 3 per cent

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


castell-nedd port talbot yw un o'r awdurdodau lleol sydd yn perfformio orau o ran nifer y plant sydd yn gadael ysgol heb gymwysterau


neath port talbot is one of the best performing local authorities in terms of the number of children who leave school without qualifications

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


drwy'r system gyfan , mewn ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd , mae'r nifer o bobl ifanc sy'n gadael yr ysgol heb ddim cymwysterau wedi lleihau


throughout the system , in primary and secondary schools , the number of young people leaving school without any qualifications has declined

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


fodd bynnag , cyhyd ag y bo plant a phobl ifanc yn cwympo drwy'r rhwyd ac yn gadael yr ysgol heb gymwysterau , ni allwn fod yn hunanfodlon am y cyfle i ddiwygio'r gyfundrefn


however , as long as children and young people are falling through the net and leaving school without qualifications , we cannot be complacent about the opportunity for reform

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


bydd plant cymru wledig yn gorfod disgwyl am fws yn yr oerni heb fod wedi cael dim i'w fwyta , gan orfod teithio pedair neu bum milltir weithiau , a chyrhaeddant yr ysgol heb gael dim i'w fwyta byth


children from rural wales will have to wait for a bus in the cold not having had anything to eat , sometimes have to travel four or five miles , and will arrive at school still not having had anything to eat

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


dywedwch chi y dylid targedu'r cynllun ar rai pobl ac eto , funud yn ôl , dywedodd eich cyd-aelod y dylai gael ei dargedu ar bawb , gan fod plant dosbarth canol yn mynd i'r ysgol heb gael brecwast


you say that the scheme should be targeted at certain people yet , a minute ago , your colleague said that it should be targeted at everyone , because middle-class children go to school without breakfast

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


dywedodd y pennaeth ysgol hefyd fod rhai staff wedi bod yn effro i'r broblem hon a'u bod wedi arfer gwarchod plant a ddaethai i'r ysgol heb gael brecwast , yn answyddogol , gan roi cwpanaid o de neu dafell o dost iddynt


the headteacher also reported that some staff had been aware of this problem and had unofficially been looking after children who arrived at school without having had breakfast and slipping them a cup of tea or a piece of toast

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


soniodd prosiect pobl ifanc gorllewin y rhyl , y mae ann jones yn gyfarwydd ag ef mae'n siwr , yn rymus am y profiad o fynd i'r ysgol heb arian i dalu am y pethau ychwanegol hynny sy'n cael y fath effaith ar fywyd plentyn


the west rhyl young people's project , with which i am sure ann jones is familiar , commented forcefully on what it is like to go to school without money to pay for those extras that have such an impact on a child's life

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


fodd bynnag , ynghylch addysg , a chytunaf fod hyn yn hollbwysig , a allwch egluro pam , yn ôl ffigurau diweddaraf y cyngor , y mae nifer y bobl ifanc sy'n ennill graddau a a c mewn tgau wedi disgyn , a nifer y rhai sy'n gadael yr ysgol heb unrhyw gymwysterau wedi codi ?


however , on education , and i agree that it is crucial , can you explain why , according the council's latest figures , the number of young people achieving grades a to c at gcse has fallen , and the number of those leaving school without any qualifications has risen ?

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


a wnaiff y gweinidog ddweud wrthym a yw'r ffon fesur a fynegir yn nhermau'r nifer o rai 16 flwydd oed sy'n gadael ysgol ` heb gymhwyster ' yn fwriadol ? mae'n debyg gennyf ei bod yn golygu nifer y rhai 16 flwydd oed sy'n gadael ysgol a chanddynt gymhwyster , a gynigiai fodd i asesu bod awdurdod yn perfformio'n dda


will the minister tell us whether the measure expressed in terms of the number of 16-year-olds leaving school ` without a qualification ' is what is meant ? i suppose that she really means the number of 16-year-olds who leave school with a qualification , which would provide a means of assessing an authority performing well

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com

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