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kameraden schrijven vlugschriften in een poging aan te tonen, dat het bureaucratisme in ons apparaat in 1923, verklaard kan worden uit onze partijgeschiedenis.


comrades are waging polemics in an attempt to prove that the bureaucratism in our apparatus in 1923 can be explained by our party’s history.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


zo kreeg ik van haar de brieven van lassalle aan haar vader, ofschoon zij uit mijn partijgeschiedenis wist, hoe beslist en hoe vaak ik voor het recht van lassalle tegenover haar vader opgekomen was.


for instance, she gave me the letters of lassalle to her father, although she knew from my history of the german social democracy how energetically and how often i had defended lassalle against him.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


==partijgeschiedenis==de sps ontstond in 1999 als een samenwerkingsblok van de democratische keuze van rusland, gemeenschappelijke zaak, nieuwe kracht en stem van rusland.


the union of right forces was established in 1999, following a merger of several smaller liberal parties, including democratic choice of russia and democratic russia.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1


aangezien johnstone niets toegevoegd heeft aan deze geselecteerde, hypocriete vervalsingen van 40 jaar geleden is het passend trotski toe te staan ter eigen verdediging te spreken, zoals hij dat deed in zijn brief aan het bureau van partijgeschiedenis in 1924:


since monty johnstone has added nothing to these clapped-out hypocritical distortions of forty years ago it is fitting to allow trotsky to answer his own defence, exactly as he did in his letter to the bureau of party history in 1924:

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


aangezien johnstone niets toegevoegd heeft aan deze geselecteerde, hypocriete vervalsingen van veertig jaar geleden is het passend trotski toe te staan ter eigen verdediging te spreken, zoals hij dat deed in zijn brief aan het bureau van partijgeschiedenis in 1924:


since monty johnstone has added nothing to these clapped-out hypocritical distortions of forty years ago it is fitting to allow trotsky to answer his own defence, exactly as he did in his letter to the bureau of party history in 1924:

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


als de heer semkovski niet zo maagdelijk onschuldig was in zaken van partijgeschiedenis en partijprogramma, dan zou hij inzien dat hij verplicht was plechanov te weerleggen, die, bij zijn verdediging, 11 jaar geleden, in de zarja, van het ontwerpprogramma (in 1903 programma geworden) van de rsdap, speciaal de nadruk legde op het zelfbeschikkingsrecht, en hierover schreef:


if mr.semkovsky had not been so virginally innocent in matters concerning party history and the party programme he would have understood that it was his duty to refute plekhanov, who, eleven years ago, in defending the draft programme (which became the programme in 1903) of the r.s.d.l.p. in zarya,[4] made a special point (page38) of the recognition of the right to self-determination and wrote the following about it:

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1

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