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nickel coinage

Última atualização: 2014-11-14
Frequência de uso: 5

Referência: IATE


bankbiljetten en pasmunt/m1(chartaalgeldaandeel)


notes and coin/m1(currency ratio)

Última atualização: 2014-11-13
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: IATE


met noodgeld werd dus in de eerste plaats het gebrek aan pasmunt verholpen.


the primary purpose of the emergency money was therefore to remedy the shortage of small coins.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE


ze hebben de landbouw onderworpen aan de regels van de wto en als pasmunt gebruikt voor andere belangen.


they have subjected agriculture to the wto's rules, whereby it has been used as a bargaining chip for other interests.

Última atualização: 2012-02-29
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: IATE


de visserij mag niet langer als pasmunt gebruikt worden, vooral daar het om het overleven van de sector gaat.


fishing can no longer be used as a bartering tool, particularly when its very survival is under threat.

Última atualização: 2017-04-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE


de belgen wilden ruanda en urundi veroveren en bezetten om het na de oorlog als pasmunt voor gebiedswinst aan de congomonding in te zetten.


the belgians wanted to conquer and occupy rwanda and urundi in order to use the territory to bargain for land at the congo estuary after the war.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE


de sector groenten en fruit wordt bij de openstelling van de handel tussen de eu en marokko als pasmunt gebruikt ten gunste van andere economische activiteiten.


using fruit and vegetables as bargaining chip in the process of opening up trade between the eu and morocco to bolster other economic activities is jeopardising farmers' futures, as well as the development of many european regions.

Última atualização: 2017-04-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE


er is dus maar een minimale winst geboekt, die de landen van het westen bovendien eensgezind hebben gebruikt als pasmunt om een nieuwe ronde in de wacht te slepen.


the gains were therefore minimal, and were used by the countries of the west, which are united in their desire to launch a new round, as a means of buying what they wanted.

Última atualização: 2012-02-29
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: IATE


hoe zal het land het vraagstuk van de timorese vluchtelingen, die nu door de pro-indonesische milities als pasmunt gebruikt worden, oplossen?


how will it resolve the problem of the timorese refugees who are now just currency in the hands of pro-indonesian militias?

Última atualização: 2012-02-29
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: IATE


op deze wijze kunnen de gewone distributiekanalen worden verruimd en kan meer geld vooraf aan de consumenten ter beschikking worden gesteld, waardoor de problemen op het gebied van pasmunt en wisselgeld in de eerste dagen van 2002 worden verminderd.


it could help to diversify the usual distribution channels and increase the amount frontloaded to consumers, thereby reducing the problems of tendering exact money and giving change in euros in the early days of 2002.

Última atualização: 2017-04-26
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE


op deze wijze kunnen de gebruikelijke distributiekanalen worden verruimd en kan meer geld vooraf aan de consumenten ter beschikking worden gesteld, waardoor in de eerste dagen van 2002 minder problemen zullen ontstaan op het gebied van pasmunt en wisselgeld.


it could help to diversify the usual distribution channels and increase the amount frontloaded to consumers, thereby reducing the problems of tendering exact money and giving change in euros in the early days of 2002.

Última atualização: 2017-04-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE


dat wil ik duidelijk zeggen.de strijd tegen racisme, een verplichting voor ons allemaal, wordt hier als politieke pasmunt versjacherd en misbruikt.wij kunnen het verslag in zijn huidige vorm daarom niet goedkeuren.


the fight against racism, to which we are all committed, is turned into small political currency and abused, which is why we are unable to vote for the report in its present form.

Última atualização: 2008-03-04
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE


de onderhandelingen lopen muurvast en beide partijen besluiten de oplossing over te laten aan de volkerenbond. de britse regering blijft pleiten voor de aanhechting van hakkari bij irak, maar het is duidelijk dat ze hakkari als pasmunt gebruikt voor de aanhechting van de olierijke regio mosoel bij irak.


these negotiations come to nothing and both parties decide to appeal to the league of nations. meanwhile the british government keeps pleading for the annexation of the hakkari mountains as a part of iraq, but it is obvious that the british use hakkari as a means of exchange.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE


hierbij dient rekening gehouden te worden met drie factoren: om te beginnen worden groenten en fruit geteeld in gebieden van de europese unie waar een enorme behoefte aan werkgelegenheid bestaat; ten tweede worden groenten en fruit vaak als pasmunt gebruikt in handelsakkoorden met derde landen, en ten derde werden bij de jongste hervorming van deze sector belangrijke overheidsinstrumenten voor de ordening van de markten ontmanteld.


in this regard, we should take into account three factors: firstly, fruit and vegetable are grown in the european union in areas where there is also an urgent need for employment; secondly, fruit and vegetable are frequently used as an exchange currency in commercial agreements with non-eu countries and thirdly, in the last reform of this sector, important public instruments for market management were dismantled.

Última atualização: 2012-02-29
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: IATE

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