Você procurou por: regeling toezicht luchtvaart (Holandês - Inglês)

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regeling toezicht luchtvaart


civil aviation(supervision)regulations

Última atualização: 2014-11-14
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: IATE


conform het subsidiariteitsbeginsel kan elke lid-staat in overeenstemming met zijn eigen grondwet op onder meer de volgende manieren objectief en duidelijk controle uitoefenen op de bedrijvigheid in de sector: toezicht houden op de actoren om hen van concurrentievervalsende activiteiten te weerhouden; uitvaardigen van specifieke, voor de marktdeelnemers bestemde regels; toezicht houden op de naleving van de verplichtingen tot openbare dienstverlening door de bedrijven in kwestie; beschermen van de gebruikers van de voorziening, vooral wat tarieven en kwaliteit van de dienstverlening betreft; en aanknopen van contacten met nationale en regionale consumentenorganisaties en met de representatieve sociale en beroepsorganisaties, zodat kennis kan worden genomen van klachten van gebruikers over voorzieningen, tarieven en verplichtingen tot dienstverlening, en eventuele conflicten kunnen worden opgelost.


in compliance with the principle of subsidiarity, each member state will be able - in accordance with its own constitutional provisions - to monitor activities in the sector; this must be done objectively and transparently and by means which include: surveillance to ensure that operators do not behave in such a way as to distort competition; enforcing specific provisions affecting operators in the market; monitoring compliance by companies with public service obligations; ensuring the protection of service users, especially with regard to tariffs and quality of service; establishing contacts with national and regional consumer representatives and with representative socio-occupational organizations to enable users to lodge complaints about services, tariffs and service obligations, and to resolve possible conflicts.

Última atualização: 2017-04-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: IATE

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