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cukup lama juga anda ditugaskan disini



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dan aku juga sangat kaget karena kita sudah saling mengenal cukup lama dan aku tidak menyadari ada manusia sebaik ini disisiku


and of course i'm one of them.

Última atualização: 2022-09-27
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


sesampainya di malang kami pergi ke jatim park 2. disana saya sangat terkejut, karena sangat bagus. disana kami cukup lama karena sambil berfoto foto. disana bangunannya sangat megah.


i had the best experience of my life. exactly one year ago, my family and i were invited to eat together by my sister at a restaurant in blitar. there everyone is free to order, because my brother will pay. we went at night, so the atmosphere was very comfortable. there we were for quite a while. the next day i was invited by my sister to go on vacation again, it turned out that i was invited by my sister to go to malang. we went by train, when we arrived in our misfortune

Última atualização: 2023-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


setelah foto dan bermian cukup lama kami memutuskan untuk pergi dan bermain di tempat lain.namun,saat ingin pergi aku mengalami sebuah musibah hp ku menghilang,kami semua cemas dan sibuk mencari ke tempat informasi namun tidak ada dan sampai sekarang hp ku masih belum kembali


after taking photos and playing for a long time we decided to go and play elsewhere. however, when i wanted to leave i had an accident that my cellphone disappeared, we were all anxious and busy looking for information but nothing and until now my cellphone still hasn't come back

Última atualização: 2022-01-30
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


keluhan gatal akibat pruritus pada lansia lazim ditemukan. penyebab gatal ini cukup bervariasi, gatal yang dialami lansia umumnya bersifat kronis, yang artinya berlangsung dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama. pruritus yang terjadi lama juga dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup lansia, seperti menganggu tidur yang selanjutnya berdampak pada kesehatan.


complaints of itching due to pruritus in the elderly are common. the causes of this itching are quite varied, the itching experienced by the elderly is generally chronic, which means it lasts for a long period of time. pruritus that occurs for a long time can also affect the quality of life of the elderly, such as disrupting sleep which further impacts health.

Última atualização: 2023-11-18
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


kemarin kita disini, kita duduk dibawah pohon aku diam kamu diam kita tidak saling mengenal tapi kita bertemu disini aku tidak tahu mengapa aku disini aku menungu sesuatu aku butuh waktu cukup lama menungu mu aku tidak perduli dengan dia disampingku kamu juga begitu tidak perduli denganku, tujuh menit berlalu aku bosan aku pikir aku pergi saja. tapi dari kejauhanaku mendengar suara mu aku mencarimu akhirnya aku menemukan mu disana hati ku senang kita bisa bersama lagi. aku membawamu pulang aku


yesterday we were here, we sat under a tree i was silent you were silent we didn't know each other but we met here i don't know why i was here i was waiting for something i took a long time waiting for you i didn't care about him next to me you also didn't care about me, seven minutes passed i was bored i thought i just left. but from the distance i heard your voice i was looking for you finally i found you there my heart was happy we could be together again. i took you home i

Última atualização: 2023-08-28
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


25/08/19 pada hari itu aku mengikuti lomba pramuka, setiap sekolah berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik, termasuk sekolah kami. aku mengikuti lomba pioneering dan lkbbt. pada saat giliran sekolah kami yang maju. aku sangat nervous, tapi setelah kami selesai aku cukup lega. setelah cukup lama menanti dengan perasaan yang berdebar-debar akhirnya pengumuman pemenang diberitahukan. setelah dibacakan ternyata sekolah kami memenangkan lomba lkbbt, ppgd, yel-yel, dan pupk. disitu kami sangat senang, karena kami memenangkan cukup banyak lomba


25/08/19 on that day i participated in a scout competition, every school strives to be the best, including our school. i participated in the pioneering and lkbbt competitions. it was our school's turn to come forward. i was very nervous, but after we finished i was quite relieved. after a long wait with a palpitations, finally the announcement of the winner was notified. after being read it turned out that our school won the lkbbt, ppgd, yel-yel, and pupk competitions. that's where we're very happy, because we won quite a lot of races

Última atualização: 2022-05-22
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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