Você procurou por: gagasan (Indonésio - Inglês)

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Última atualização: 2015-03-26
Frequência de uso: 16

Referência: Wikipedia


berdasarkan gagasan ini, memasukkan aspek keberlanjutan dalam pengetahuan yang terlibat dalam lingkungan proyek dapat dianggap sebagai faktor kunci untuk menuju integrasi.


based on this idea, incorporating aspects of sustainability in the knowledge involved in the project environment can be considered as a key factor leading to integration.

Última atualização: 2021-02-09
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


budaya adalah gagasan, keyakinan, dan adat istiadat yang dibagikan dan dipegang oleh orang-orang dalam masyarakat. anda tidak dilahirkan dengan budaya: anda mempelajarinya saat anda tumbuh besar.


culture is the ideas, beliefs, and customs that are shared and aucepted by people in a society. you are not born with culture: you learn it as you grow up.

Última atualização: 2018-10-25
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


teori kompleksitas: mengapa menarik bagi administrasi publik? seperti banyak teori ilmiah lainnya, teori kompleksitas bukanlah perspektif yang seragam dan homogen. tetapi semua variasi dimulai dengan gagasan kompleksitas, yang juga merupakan inti dari mana kami akan memulai pencarian kami untuk pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang fenomena sektor publik. dan walaupun terdapat berbagai macam definisi kompleksitas, mulai dari sistem yang kompleks sebagai versi yang lebih rumit dari sistem yang sederhana hingga yang kompleks


complexity theory: why is it interesting for public administration? like many other scientific theories the complexity theory is not a unified and homogeneous perspective. but all the variations start with the notion of complexity, which is also the core from which we will start our search for a better understanding of public sector phenomena. and even though there are a variety of definitions of complexity, ranging from complex systems as more complicated versions of simple systems to complex s

Última atualização: 2021-02-12
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: Anônimo

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