Você procurou por: harap gunakan panduan penyiapan (Indonésio - Inglês)

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harap gunakan panduan penyiapan



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harap gunakan pembersih tangan instan dettol, sebelum dan sesudah beraktivitas. ingat lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati. jadi, sehat dan berbahagialah


please, use dettol instant hand sanitizer, before and after activities. remember it is better to prevent than to treat. so, be healthy and be happy

Última atualização: 2020-12-07
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


pendahuluan harus dimulai tanpa indensi menggunakan huruf kapital tebal 12 garamond. subjudul dibatasi oleh dua spasi dalam tubuh artikel. harap buat pengaturan halaman pengolah kata anda ke format b5 (18,2 x 25,7 cm); dengan margin: bawah 1,5 cm (1,15 in) dan atas 1,5 cm (1,15 in), kiri 2 cm (1,15 in) dan kanan 2 cm (1,15 in). untuk bodi kertas, harap gunakan garamond 12, spasi tunggal.


introduction should be started without indention using garamond 12 bolded capital letters. subheading is limited by two spaces within body of article. please make the page setting of your word processor to b5 format (18.2 x 25.7 cm); with the margins: bottom 1,5 cm (1.15 in) and top 1,5 cm (1.15 in), left 2 cm (1.15 in) and right 2 cm (1.15 in). for the body of the paper, please use garamond 12, single spacing.

Última atualização: 2022-04-05
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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