Você procurou por: she is online but not for you (Inglês - Africâner)

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she is online but not for you



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but not for espionage.


maar nie vir spioenasie.

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 7


"an innocent little girl, running to a priest... she is not for you!"


'n onskuldige meisie op pad na die diens sy is nie vir jou nie!

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 7

Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível


maybe not for you, but for others...


miskien vir jou, maar wat van andere?

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 7


but not for a moment do i believe that your leads just went cold.


maar ek glo nie dat die leë aanwysings was.

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 7


- who are the flowers for? - don't worry, not for you.


vir wie's die blomme?

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 7


and he said unto them, it is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the father hath put in his own power.


en hy antwoord hulle: dit kom julle nie toe om die tye of geleenthede te weet wat die vader deur sy eie mag bepaal het nie;

Última atualização: 2012-05-06
Frequência de uso: 1


and yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.


en sy is ook werklik my suster; sy is my vader se dogter, maar nie my moeder se dogter nie; en sy het my vrou geword.

Última atualização: 2012-05-06
Frequência de uso: 1


and i said, hear, i pray you, o heads of jacob, and ye princes of the house of israel; is it not for you to know judgment?


verder het ek gesê: hoor tog, o hoofde van jakob en owerstes van die huis van israel! betaam dit julle nie om die reg te ken nie?

Última atualização: 2012-05-06
Frequência de uso: 1


sweetest mouseking! for you yourself will be the cat when you creep out of the house and while she is soundly asleep instead of going to your old jail you'll be coming along to that heavenly party with me


want jy sal as kat self by die huis uitsluip en terwyl sy vas slaap, gaan jy in plaas van tronktoe, met my na die hemelse fees!

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 7


wherefore, though i wrote unto you, i did it not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in the sight of god might appear unto you.


al het ek ook aan julle geskrywe, dan was dit nie ter wille van hom wat onreg gedoen het nie, of ter wille van hom wat onreg gely het nie, maar dat ons ywer vir julle aan julle duidelik kan word voor god.

Última atualização: 2012-05-06
Frequência de uso: 1


and after threescore and two weeks shall messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.


en ná die twee en sestig sewetalle sal 'n gesalfde uitgeroei word, maar sonder iets vir hom; en die volk van 'n vors wat sal kom, sal die stad en die heiligdom verwoes, maar sy einde sal met 'n oorstroming wees, en tot die einde toe sal dit oorlog wees, vasbeslote verwoestings.

Última atualização: 2012-05-06
Frequência de uso: 1


3 people who inspire me there are always people in our lives that can be the heroes in many ways, but my life’s hero will always be my mom. she influences my life since i was born until now and also sacrifices a lot in her lifetime to make my life and my sibling’s lives better. she loves us unconditionally, i have become the person i am today because of her. i adore her very much, not just because she is my mom, also because she is such an amazing person with a gold heart, my best friend for life, an advisor, a kind, respectful and strong person. i am not her only child, i have two younger brothers and a little sister but i am my mom’s favorite child. my mom taught me how to be kind and loving but not to allow others to take my kindness for weakness secondly nelson mandela. mr. mandela evolved from a freedom fighter to a political leader, a unifier, and later to an elderly statesman and father figure of almost unmatched stature and greatness. mandela has become a yardstick for many leaders with his warm, humble, charismatic, humorous, down-to-earth style. never afraid of admitting his shortfalls and areas of weaknesses. he would be able to do it even with a flashy, honest, and respectful smile. something most leaders usually would not dare to do. and lastly is prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) he is the last messenger of god. he is the best of creation, he is a role model on how to be of exemplary character he teaches me kindness, compassion, mercy, gratitude, thankfulness, abundance, courage, fearlessness, and self-reflection those are the three people that inspire me


'n toespraak oor iemand wat my inspireer

Última atualização: 2020-10-30
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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