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ushaka marine world
ushaka marine world
Última atualização: 2021-06-01
Frequência de uso: 1
ushaka marine world essay
ushaka mariene wêreld opstel
Última atualização: 2023-08-08
Frequência de uso: 3
ushaka marine world in afrikaans
ushaka mariene wêreld in afushaka marikaans
Última atualização: 2022-08-21
Frequência de uso: 1
ushaka marine world explain it in afrikaans
ushaka marine world explain it in afrikaans
Última atualização: 2017-01-31
Frequência de uso: 1
we went to ushaka marine
ons het na ushaka marine gegaan
Última atualização: 2020-04-22
Frequência de uso: 1
ushaka marine is the place to go and chill or go with a family at holidays just to relax and enjoy there are many activities
ushaka marine is the place to go and chill or go with a family at holidays just to relax and enjoy there are many activities
Última atualização: 2016-07-31
Frequência de uso: 2
my december holidays my parents and i went on a holiday in durban, it was a nice holiday as we drove from home to durban .we arrived in durban after 5 hours on the road .we checked into the hotel my mom had booked for us .it was for my whole family .we then went to shaka marine world where we saw fish ,sharks and dolphins.it was a good experience to see the sharks and the big fishes.the following day we went to the harbour and went on a boat ride around the beach front.i was so scared of the sea.my mom hold my hand as i was thinking we will fall into the sea.i went to the beach to swim,i love swimming. my brother and i competed in swimming and i won. he does not know how to swim like a professional .we visited a lot of sharks and dolphins .it was a good experience to see the sharks and the bid fishes .we visited a lot of places when we were there and it was a fun holiday. my mom also bought us new clothes and we rode on the rikscho ,the guy that rides the bicycle on foot.that was my holidays. great everyone at home
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Última atualização: 2018-03-08
Frequência de uso: 6