Você procurou por: your goal is to get the other person to respond: (Inglês - Basco)

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your goal is to get the other person to respond:



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move handles next to deleted nodes to resemble original shape; hold ctrl to get the other behavior


eraman heldulekuak ezabatutako nodoetatik gertu jatorrizko forma lortzeko; eduki ktrl tekla sakatuta bestelako portaera izateko

Última atualização: 2014-08-15
Frequência de uso: 1


you can call your contacts and have an audio conversation with them. this features only works with certain types of accounts and it requires the other person to have an application that supports audio calls.


kontaktuei dei diezaiekezu eta audio-solasaldiak izan beraiekin. eginbide honek kontu mota jakin batzuekin bakarrik funtzionatzen du, eta beste pertsonak audio-deiak onartzen dituen aplikazio bat eduki behar du.

Última atualização: 2014-08-20
Frequência de uso: 12


klotski is a puzzle game of which the objective is to get the patterned block to the marker, which is done by moving the blocks in its way.


klotski buru-hausgarri bat da. joko honen helburua eredu-blokea berdez markatuta dagoen eremura eramatea da, baina horretarako bere bidean dauden blokeak mugitu behar dira.

Última atualização: 2014-08-20
Frequência de uso: 6


if you have a webcam, you can call your contacts and have a video conversation with them. this feature only works with certain types of accounts, and it requires the other person to have an application that supports video calls.


web-kamera bat baduzu, kontaktuei dei diezaiekezu eta bideo-solasaldia izan haiekin. eginbide honek kontu mota jakin batzuekin bakarrik funtzionatzen du, eta beste pertsonak bideo-deiak onartzen dituen aplikazio bat eduki behar du.

Última atualização: 2014-08-20
Frequência de uso: 6


rules of game you are the system administrator and your goal is to connect each terminal and each cable to the central server. click the right mouse button to turn the cable in a clockwise direction, and the left mouse button to turn the cable in a counterclockwise direction. start the lan with as few turns as possible!


jokoaren arauak zu sistemaren administratzailea zara eta zure helburua ordenagailu bakoitza zerbitzari zentralarekin konektatzea da. klik egin saguaren eskuineko botoiarekin kablea erlojuaren norantzan mugitzeko eta ezkerreko botoiarekin erlojuaren norantzaren kontra mugitzeko. hasi lan- a mugimendu gutxieneko kopurua erabiliz. number of mouse clicks

Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1


the objective of gnome robots is quite simple. you are surrounded by a number of robots or other hostile adversaries. as you move about they will move directly towards you for every move that you make. their goal is to kill you. your goal is to kill all the robots on the board by taking advantage of their vulnerabilities.


gnome robots-en helburua nahiko xinplea da. robotez edo bestelako aurkari kaltegarriez inguratuta zaude. mugitzen zaren heinean, etsaiak zuregana mugituko dira egiten duzun mugimendu bakoitzeko. beren helburua zu hiltzea da. zure helburua da joko-taulan ageri diren robot guztiak hiltzea haien ahultasunaz baliatuz.

Última atualização: 2014-08-20
Frequência de uso: 6


in the text entry, enter one command per line, to control your boat. commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. the 'left' and 'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. the angle value is also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. by default 45 degrees is used. the 'forward' command accepts a distance parameter. by default 1 is used. for example: - left 90: make a perpendicular left turn - forward 10: go forward for 10 units (as displayed on the ruler). the goal is to reach the right of the screen (the red line). when done, you can try to improve your program and start a new race with the same weather conditions by using the retry button. you can click and drag your mouse anywhere on the map to get a measurement in distance and angle. going to the next level will give you more complex weather conditions.


testu-sarreran sartu komandoak lerroz lerro zure ontzia gidatzeko. onartutako komandoak bi testu-areen artean zerrendatzen dira. 'ezkerrera' eta 'eskuinera' komandoen atzetik angelua (graduetan) idatzi behar da. angelu balioari ere ezkerrera edota eskuinera komandoaren parametroa deitzen zaio. lehenespenez 45 gradu erabiltzen da. 'aurrera' komandoak distantziaren parametroa onartzen du. lehenespenez 1 balioa erabiltzen du. adibidea: - ezkerrera 90: biraketa perpendikularra egiten du ezkerrerantz. - aurrera 10: aurrera 10 unitateetan joateko (erregelan bistaratzen den bezala). helburua pantailaren eskuinera iristea da (marra gorria). burutzean programa hobetu dezakezu eta lasterketa berria abiarazi, eguraldi berdinarekin berriro saiatzeko teklarekin. klik egin eta arrastatu dezakezu sagua mapako edozein posiziotan distantzia eta angeluaren neurketa lortzeko. hurrengo mailara joatean eguraldiaren baldintza konplexuagoak emango dizkizu.

Última atualização: 2014-08-20
Frequência de uso: 12

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