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amtrust quota share segment underwriting



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Chinês (simplificado)



39. according to interviews with occ, cndp imposed a 50 per cent quota share on the occ.

Chinês (simplificado)

39. 根据与刚果管理局的访谈情况,全国保卫人民大会对刚果管理局强制实行50%的抽头。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


the fisheries management act also imposes restrictions on the size of the quota share that individuals and legal persons may own.

Chinês (simplificado)


Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


most of the increases in the quota share would go to developing asia countries and, particularly, to china, india and korea.

Chinês (simplificado)


Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


it was therefore necessary to expand the quota share of developing countries and complete the comprehensive review of the deeply flawed quota formula by january 2013.

Chinês (simplificado)


Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


if those parties who are permanently entitled to a quota share do not exercise their right in a satisfactory manner, this may result in their forfeiting the right permanently.

Chinês (simplificado)


Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


22. developing countries were entitled to a higher quota share, at least equal to that of developed countries, in the international monetary fund and the world bank.

Chinês (simplificado)

22. 发展中国家有权在国际货币基金组织和世界银行获得更高的配额分配,至少是与发达国家相等的配额。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


73. commenting on the dialogue, the chairman of the group of ten noted that in the bretton woods institutions representation was organized according to economic strength reflected in the quota share.

Chinês (simplificado)

73. 在对会议的对话作评论时,十国集团主席指出,布雷顿森林机构的代表权是根据各国的经济实力安排的,以此分配份额。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


9.12 the authors emphasize that their claim is not to have a quota share allocated to them by the authorities, but to be able to pursue the occupation of their choice on the same terms as others.

Chinês (simplificado)

9.12 提交人强调,他们要求的,不是让主管机构为其分配定额,而且能够按照与他人相同的条件从事他们选择的职业。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


"73. commenting on the dialogue, the chairman of the group of 10 noted that in the bretton woods institutions representation was organized according to economic strength reflected in the quota share.

Chinês (simplificado)

"73. 在对会议的对话作评论时,10国集团主席指出,布雷顿森林机构的代表权是根据各国的经济实力安排的,以此分配份额。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 3

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113. the g-77 and china deem quota shares to be the defining governance problem at the fund.

Chinês (simplificado)

113. 77国集团加中国认为配额是基金组织的关键性治理问题。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


efforts have also been made to ensure that ethnic and religious minorities have political representation in the legislative body through the allocation of quota shares of the parliamentary seats.

Chinês (simplificado)


Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


during the fishing year 1997-1998, when the ship was purchased, various harvest rights (catch entitlements) were transferred, but no specific quota share was associated with the ship.

Chinês (simplificado)


Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


62. at its meeting in october 2009, the international monetary and financial committee agreed to shift at least 5 per cent of aggregate quota shares in imf from developed to developing and transition economies using the current quota formula as the basis, and reiterated its commitment to protect the voting share of the poorest members.

Chinês (simplificado)

62. 在其2009年10月的会议上,国际货币和金融委员会同意在采用现行份额公式的基础上,将基金组织总份额中至少5%从发达经济体转移到发展中和转型期经济体,并再次承诺保护最贫穷成员的投票权份额。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


8.17 the state party argues that none of the authors' alleged financial losses can be attributed to the fisheries management system, but rather to their own decision to buy a fishing vessel without a quota share, knowing the legal requirements and foreseeable consequences of that situation.

Chinês (simplificado)

8.17 缔约国认为,提交人所称遭受的任何经济损失都无法归因于渔业管理制度,而只能归因于他们自己作出的在明知法律规定和这一状况会造成的后果情况下购买不享有定额的渔船的决定。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


72. india was in favour of strengthening the voice of developing countries in the bretton woods institutions and therefore welcomed the recent imf decision to shift more than 6 per cent of quota shares to dynamic emerging market and developing countries by 2012.

Chinês (simplificado)

72. 印度支持加强发展中国家在布雷顿森林机构中的话语权,因此欢迎货币基金组织近期决定在2012年之前将6%以上的配额转移到新兴活跃市场和发展中国家。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


26. upon request by some members, the committee was informed by the secretariat that the latest quota shares adopted by imf on 28 march 2008 are based on a formula that blended gdp converted at both market and ppp exchange rates in a ratio of 60 and 40 per cent.

Chinês (simplificado)

26. 应一些成员要求,委员会从秘书处获悉,2008年3月28日基金组织通过的最新定额分摊数是根据一项公式计算的,它按60%和40%的比例采用市面汇率和购买力平价汇率换算国内生产总值,再加以混合。

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


on the important issues of quotas and votes within imf, it noted that the membership had adopted in april 2008 an important reform of the quota formula and an ad hoc increase of quotas designed to rebalance the imf quota shares so as to better reflect the evolution of the world economy, and also noted the further impetus given by the international monetary and financial committee in april 2009.

Chinês (simplificado)


Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1


"16. stresses the urgent need for ambitious and expeditious reform of the bretton woods institutions, particularly their governance structures, based on full and fair representation of developing countries, in order to address the democratic deficit in those institutions and improve their legitimacy, and that these reforms must reflect current realities and ensure full voice and participation of developing countries in the decision-making and norm-setting of the bretton woods institutions, and in this regard, notes that the decision taken at the october 2009 meeting of the international monetary fund on quota shares was insufficient and urges the need for a substantial shift in voting power from developed to developing countries at the earliest;

Chinês (simplificado)

"16. 强调指出迫切需要在发展中国家充分、公平参与下,对布雷顿森林机构,特别是其治理结构进行大胆而迅速的改革,以处理这些机构中民主缺失的问题并增强其合法性,而这些改革必须反映当前的现实,确保发展中国家在布雷顿森林机构的决策和规范制定过程中有充分的发言权和参与权,在这方面注意到国际货币基金组织2009年10月会议就份额分配问题作出的决定是不够的,敦促必须尽早将表决权从发达国家大幅转移给发展中国家;

Última atualização: 2016-12-04
Frequência de uso: 1

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