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three local cast members



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peter law will explain the background to the three local government orders


bydd peter law yn egluro'r cefndir i'r tri gorchymyn llywodraeth leol

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


i know of three local authorities that have decided to implement the scheme , and five that have decided not to


gwn am dri awdurdod lleol sydd wedi penderfynu rhoi'r cynllun ar waith , a phump sydd wedi penderfynu peidio

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


the new care standards inspectorate will establish eight regional and three local offices across wales , from april 2002


bydd yr arolygiaeth safonau gofal newydd yn sefydlu wyth swyddfa ranbarthol a thair swyddfa leol ledled cymru , o ebrill 2002

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


we would aim to employ three local {\i animateurs }in three different areas over a period of three years.


ein bwriad fyddai cyflogi 3 {\i animateur} bro mewn tair wahanol ardal dros gyfnod o dair blynedd.

Última atualização: 2008-09-17
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


i refer to the additional resources made available to the three local education authorities in south wales central , namely cardiff , rhondda cynon taff and the vale of glamorgan


cyfeiriaf at yr adnoddau ychwanegol a ryddhawyd i dri awdurdod addysg lleol yng nghanol de cymru , sef caerdydd , rhondda cynon taf a bro morgannwg

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


if two or three local authorities in wales go down the pfi route , the money is still spent , but it is spread over a much longer period through the repayment to the pfi consortium


os yw dau neu dri awdurdod yng nghymru yn dewis defnyddio pfi , caiff yr arian ei wario , er hynny , ond caiff ei ymestyn dros gyfnod hwy o lawer drwy ei ad-dalu i'r consortiwm pfi

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


three local authorities have declared traffic-related air quality management areas : one in swanse ; four in cardif ; and seven in newport


mae tri awdurdod lleol wedi datgan ardaloedd rheoli ansawdd aer mewn cysylltiad â thraffig : un yn abertaw ; pedair yng nghaerdyd ; a saith yng nghasnewydd

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


cardiff is also one of the three local authorities that do not provide the option of a home care scheme for older people , as indicated in mike german's proposal for legislation earlier this year


mae caerdydd hefyd yn un o'r tri awdurdod lleol nad ydynt yn darparu opsiwn o gynllun gofal cartref ar gyfer pobl hyn , fel y nodwyd yng nghynnig mike german ar gyfer deddfwriaeth yn gynharach eleni

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


the fourth option has been tested therefore in three local authorities in wales , and if those authorities were asked about the benefits of that option , they would say that the councillor's role has been enhanced


felly , mae'r pedwerydd dewis wedi'i brofi mewn tri awdurdod lleol yng nghymru , a phe holid yr awdurdodau hynny am fanteision y dewis hwnnw , dywedent fod rôl y cynghorydd wedi'i chryfhau

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


furthermore , schools are often on local authority boundaries , attended by pupils from one , two or three local authority areas , and an area inspection may make proposals about expansion , change or reduction of provision in that area


at hynny , ceir nifer o ysgolion sydd ar ffiniau awdurdodau lleol , y daw disgyblion iddynt o un , dwy neu dair ardal awdurdod lleol , a gall arolygiad ardal wneud cynigion am ehangu , newid neu leihau'r ddarpariaeth yn yr ardal honno

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


for example , st david's hospice will serve the areas of three local health boards and , although a lead board is likely to be appointed for the purpose of the negotiation , it is unlikely that that will streamline the negotiating process


er enghraifft , bydd hosbis dewi sant yn gwasanaethu ardaloedd tri bwrdd iechyd lleol ac , er ei bod yn debygol y caiff bwrdd arweiniol ei benodi at ddiben negodi , mae'n annhebygol y bydd hynny'n symleiddio'r broses negodi

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


one of the key developments in the immediate term to help address this situation is the joint initiative want2work , developed by the welsh assembly government with jobcentre plus over the last year , and now operational in the three local authority areas of cardif ; merthyr tydfil and neath port talbot


un o'r prif ddatblygiadau yn y tymor byr i geisio ateb y sefyllfa hon yw'r gyd-fenter yn awyddus i weithio , sydd wedi'i datblygu gan lywodraeth y cynulliad gyda'r ganolfan byd gwaith yn y flwyddyn ddiwethaf , ac sydd bellach ar waith mewn tair ardal awdurdod lleol , caerdyd ; merthyr tydfil a chastell nedd port talbot

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


on the issue of the flood protection crisis that we have seen over the past three or four weeks in many parts of wales , but particularly in the north-east , sue essex , edwina hart and i will examine it once we have information from the environment agency and the three local authorities that were most affected


ynglyn â'r argyfwng o ran amddiffynfeydd rhag y llifogydd a welsom yn ystod y tair neu bedair wythnos diwethaf mewn sawl rhan o gymru , ond yn enwedig yn y gogledd-ddwyrain , bydd sue essex , edwina hart a minnau yn ei ystyried unwaith y cawn wybodaeth gan asiantaeth yr amgylchedd a'r tri awdurdod lleol yr effeithiwyd arnynt fwyaf

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


three local authorities -- namely neath port talbot , merthyr tydfil and blaenau gwent county borough councils -- were protected by the fact that , when the old counties existed , they could allocate additional resources to the poorest parts of west glamorgan , mid glamorgan and gwent without impacting on the council tax levied , and removing the county tier posed enormous problems for them


yr oedd tri awdurdod lleol -- sef cynghorau bwrdeistref sirol castell-nedd port talbot , merthyr tudful a blaenau gwent -- wedi'u hamddiffyn gan y ffaith bod yr hen siroedd yn gallu dyrannu adnoddau ychwanegol i rannau tlotaf gorllewin morgannwg , morgannwg ganol a gwent heb effeithio ar y dreth gyngor a godid , ac yr oedd dileu'r haen sirol yn codi problemau mawr iddynt

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com

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