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the rite of paasage



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rite of duty


Ποσοστωτικός δασμός

Última atualização: 2014-02-06
Frequência de uso: 2


ashwednesday:ash wednesday in the gregorian calendar according to the roman rite of the christian church


ashwednesday:Η Τετάρτη της Σαρακοστής για το γρηγοριανό ημερολόγιο σύμφωνα με τη ρωμαϊκή ιεροτελεστία της χριστιανικής εκκλησίας

Última atualização: 2020-04-20
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Aterentes


ascensionthursday:ascension thursday in the gregorian calendar according to the roman rite of the christian church


ascensionthursday:Η Πέμπτη της Αναλήψεως για το γρηγοριανό ημερολόγιο σύμφωνα με τη ρωμαϊκή ιεροτελεστία της χριστιανικής εκκλησίας

Última atualização: 2020-04-20
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Aterentes


willy claes, and perhaps of van miert in the european commission is hidden. and as for the right, it uses human rights like a rite of purification.


martinez δεν τη σταματάτε, επομένιος αυτό σημαίνει ότι δεν σας ενοχλεί και ότι εκπληρι'ονει μία λειτουργία.

Última atualização: 2014-02-06
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Aterentes


to pay lip-service to the regions and then imprison them in the formal rite of consultation is to miss the tide of history, but its course will not be stopped by institutional trickery in the byzantine tradition.


Το να βγάζουμε λόγους στις περιφέρειες για να τις αιχμα­λωτίσουμε κατόπιν στην επίσημη διαδικασία της δια­βούλευσης σημαίνει την απώλεια του νοήματος της ιστορίας, της οποίας όμως ο ρους δεν σταματά με θεσμικές πονηριές βυζαντινής παράδοσης.

Última atualização: 2014-02-06
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Aterentes


mandatory military service is a rite of passage for young men in many european countries, but human rights standards in some of those countries result in a civil service option to those who object to service in the armed forces.


Η υποχρεωτική στρατιωτική θητεία αποτελεί μια τελετή ενηλικίωσης για τους νέους άντρες σε πολλές ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, αλλά τα πρότυπα των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων σε μερικές από αυτές τις χώρες οδηγούν σε μια επιλογή κοινωνικής υπηρεσίας για αυτούς που δεν επιθυμούν να υπηρετήσουν στις ένοπλες δυνάμεις.

Última atualização: 2016-01-20
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Aterentes


persecution on religious grounds may occur where such interference targets a person who does not wish to profess any religion, refuses to take up a particular religion or does not wish to comply with all or part of the rites and customs relating to a religion.


Είναι πιθανό να γίνει δεκτό ότι ένα άτομο διώκεται για θρησκευτικούς λόγους όταν αυτό υφίσταται παρεμβάσεις επειδή δεν επιθυμεί να πιστεύσει σε καμία θρησκεία ή αρνείται να ασπασθεί συγκεκριμένη θρησκεία ή δεν επιθυμεί να συμμορφωθεί με το σύνολο ή ένα μέρος της λατρείας και των εθίμων που σχετίζονται με μία θρησκεία.

Última atualização: 2017-04-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Aterentes


srt1 00:00:26,880 --> 00:00:28,438 andrew? 2 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:34,558 andrew, is that you? 3 00:01:07,600 --> 00:01:11,115 in january 2010, a film crew began production on a movie about old changi hospital in singapore. 4 00:01:11,440 --> 00:01:14,273 this film contains the crew's original footage. 5 00:01:19,360 --> 00:01:22,796 haunted changi 6 00:01:43,080 --> 00:01:45,036 audi, what are you doing with the camera? 7 00:01:45,280 --> 00:01:47,475 i just want to roll this... capture everything. 8 00:01:47,760 --> 00:01:50,069 good documentation of this auspicious occasion. 9 00:01:50,440 --> 00:01:52,112 documenting the documentary... 10 00:01:52,440 --> 00:01:54,078 ...very good, we love the passion. 11 00:01:55,000 --> 00:01:56,274 ok, sound speed. 12 00:01:56,720 --> 00:01:57,914 hello everyone... 13 00:01:58,280 --> 00:02:01,078 i've finished the rough cut of the documentary intro. 14 00:02:01,400 --> 00:02:04,517 narration provided by our lovely producer sheena... 15 00:02:05,560 --> 00:02:07,835 ...who found old photos from the national archives. 16 00:02:08,080 --> 00:02:09,718 very talented, very resourceful. 17 00:02:09,960 --> 00:02:11,393 kinda hot too. 18 00:02:11,600 --> 00:02:12,953 what do you mean, kinda? 19 00:02:13,160 --> 00:02:15,037 ok... sound by farid. 20 00:02:15,360 --> 00:02:17,157 and outside footage provided by... 21 00:02:17,400 --> 00:02:19,152 ...our fearless cameraman audi. 22 00:02:19,400 --> 00:02:20,753 outside only, lah. inside cannot. 23 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:22,479 weak! why you never go inside? 24 00:02:22,720 --> 00:02:24,392 you gotta pay me twice to go inside och? 25 00:02:24,600 --> 00:02:26,113 we pay you nothing... 26 00:02:26,280 --> 00:02:27,872 no, pay him twice of nothing. 27 00:02:28,120 --> 00:02:29,792 passion a bit, lah. 28 00:02:30,320 --> 00:02:32,595 i also threw in music for atmosphere. 29 00:02:32,880 --> 00:02:34,438 do we have the rights? 30 00:02:34,760 --> 00:02:36,239 use that one. 31 00:02:36,600 --> 00:02:38,795 ok, enough. no more filming. 32 00:02:39,080 --> 00:02:41,640 don't want a pirated version to end up online. 33 00:02:41,960 --> 00:02:44,428 hey, if it's pirated it must be a good movie. 34 00:02:44,680 --> 00:02:46,910 if people don't want to see, they won't make pirated. 35 00:02:47,160 --> 00:02:48,832 ya, but pirate quality? 36 00:02:49,080 --> 00:02:50,672 ok! enough, enough. 37 00:02:50,880 --> 00:02:53,075 let's start... and roll. 38 00:02:55,840 --> 00:02:57,671 old changi hospital in singapore is... 39 00:02:58,000 --> 00:03:00,719 ...one of the most haunted locations in the world. 40 00:03:01,000 --> 00:03:04,356 from origins as british military barracks in 1930s... 41 00:03:04,720 --> 00:03:08,838 ...and japanese headquarters during the occupation of singapore in world war two... 42 00:03:09,200 --> 00:03:12,749 ...to a public hospital throughout the second half of the 20th century... 43 00:03:13,200 --> 00:03:15,509 ...many lives have passed through it. 44 00:03:16,040 --> 00:03:17,996 the british used the original buildings... 45 00:03:18,240 --> 00:03:20,435 ...as a strategic hilltop command centre. 46 00:03:22,000 --> 00:03:25,117 in 1941, the japanese stormed through malaya... 47 00:03:25,440 --> 00:03:27,795 ...and surprised british-occupied singapore. 48 00:03:32,120 --> 00:03:34,429 on december 7th, 1941... 49 00:03:34,760 --> 00:03:36,796 ...japanese air raids bombed the island... 50 00:03:37,080 --> 00:03:39,036 ...and knocked out british warships. 51 00:03:47,720 --> 00:03:51,269 singapore fell on february 15th, 1942. 52 00:03:51,640 --> 00:03:53,631 british lieutenant-general arthur percival... 53 00:03:53,880 --> 00:03:56,110 ...surrendered the island to the invading japanese... 54 00:03:56,480 --> 00:03:59,074 ...under general tomoyuki yamashita... 55 00:03:59,360 --> 00:04:02,238 ...also known as the "tiger of asia." 56 00:04:11,680 --> 00:04:15,229 japanese tanks paraded carrying ashes of the dead. 57 00:04:21,200 --> 00:04:24,909 thousands of civilians, chinese, malays and indians... 58 00:04:25,160 --> 00:04:28,197 ...were rounded up and executed on changi's beaches. 59 00:04:29,240 --> 00:04:31,435 executions of british and australian officers... 60 00:04:31,680 --> 00:04:33,671 ...also took place in changi. 61 00:04:34,800 --> 00:04:36,791 many victims were beheaded. 62 00:04:38,080 --> 00:04:42,232 it is rumoured that not only did many japanese soldiers die in the hospital... 63 00:04:42,560 --> 00:04:47,998 ...but the japanese brutally tortured and killed many prisoners-of-war there as well. 64 00:04:49,480 --> 00:04:52,950 the occupation lasted three-and-a-half years... 65 00:04:53,280 --> 00:04:56,511 ...until the end of world war two in 1945. 66 00:04:57,480 --> 00:04:59,072 a few years after the war... 67 00:04:59,400 --> 00:05:03,598 ...the military barracks were converted to the original changi hospital for the public. 68 00:05:04,520 --> 00:05:07,034 rumours of ghosts and hauntings persisted... 69 00:05:07,400 --> 00:05:10,517 ...with some believing it was better to suffer injuries... 70 00:05:10,800 --> 00:05:13,917 ...than to enter the cursed buildings of the hospital. 71 00:05:14,360 --> 00:05:18,638 old changi hospital officially closed in february 1997. 72 00:05:19,040 --> 00:05:21,508 the buildings have been left vacant ever since. 73 00:05:21,840 --> 00:05:24,434 targeted only by vandals and legend trippers... 74 00:05:24,840 --> 00:05:27,479 ...who refer to it as och. 75 00:05:28,160 --> 00:05:29,752 but some people say... 76 00:05:30,120 --> 00:05:32,953 ...that the old changi hospital is still inhabited... 77 00:05:34,360 --> 00:05:36,112 ...by the ghosts of the past. 78 00:05:40,280 --> 00:05:43,670 making it one of the most haunted places in the world. 79 00:05:44,840 --> 00:05:47,673 what secrets still remain in the abandoned hospital... 80 00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:50,514 ...and its former military barracks are a mystery. 81 00:05:51,160 --> 00:05:51,990 for example... 82 00:05:52,320 --> 00:05:55,835 ...rumoured torture chambers and secret tunnels? 83 00:05:56,760 --> 00:06:00,992 what ghosts linger these desecrated halls? 84 00:06:01,760 --> 00:06:05,070 determined to find the truth behind the mysteries... 85 00:06:05,480 --> 00:06:08,790 ...we'll embark on a journey into the bowels of... 86 00:06:09,200 --> 00:06:11,714 ...haunted changi. 87 00:06:15,400 --> 00:06:16,958 okay, so how? 88 00:06:17,320 --> 00:06:18,833 nice. 89 00:06:19,160 --> 00:06:21,515 singapore's got the scariest place in the world. 90 00:06:23,400 --> 00:06:25,709 so you guys started editing already? looks good. 91 00:06:26,680 --> 00:06:28,671 i like it. it peaks interest, but... 92 00:06:28,920 --> 00:06:30,876 ...i'm not sure where we are going with it yet. 93 00:06:31,160 --> 00:06:33,355 the interviews this week will be very important. 94 00:06:33,720 --> 00:06:36,439 ya... and once we get footage inside the hospital... 95 00:06:36,600 --> 00:06:37,953 must pay. 96 00:06:38,200 --> 00:06:39,679 it will help with the intro. 97 00:06:39,960 --> 00:06:41,598 i'm working on getting permission. 98 00:06:41,920 --> 00:06:43,592 we should know later this week. 99 00:06:44,000 --> 00:06:45,956 so... what do you think? 100 00:06:46,440 --> 00:06:49,034 i don't know. changi alone is very scary. 101 00:06:49,360 --> 00:06:50,839 but at night... 102 00:06:52,160 --> 00:06:53,639 what? 103 00:06:53,880 --> 00:06:55,438 which part of changi you go? 104 00:06:55,840 --> 00:06:58,877 changi (hospital) or changi (red-light district)? 105 00:06:59,160 --> 00:07:00,673 so, which part? 106 00:07:05,200 --> 00:07:07,475 don't do that to the banana! it's a fruit. 107 00:07:08,240 --> 00:07:10,549 it'll be interesting once we get into the hospital... 108 00:07:10,880 --> 00:07:12,438 ...at night. 109 00:07:12,720 --> 00:07:13,914 yeah, probably. 110 00:07:15,400 --> 00:07:17,960 at least he didn't say get into changi. 111 00:07:20,440 --> 00:07:23,159 what can you tell us about old changi hospital? 112 00:07:23,440 --> 00:07:26,477 well, in changi, during the world war... 113 00:07:26,760 --> 00:07:29,149 ...many japanese soldiers came over to singapore... 114 00:07:29,320 --> 00:07:31,072 ...and beheaded many chinese. 115 00:07:31,720 --> 00:07:34,154 changi got ghost. see these things myself. 116 00:07:34,480 --> 00:07:36,357 this place got united nations of ghosts, lah. 117 00:07:36,600 --> 00:07:39,273 got singapore ghosts, chinese, malay, indian... 118 00:07:39,560 --> 00:07:42,393 ...even got "ang mo." british, australian... 119 00:07:42,640 --> 00:07:44,392 got japanese soldiers dying here also. 120 00:07:44,720 --> 00:07:46,472 my friend saw a headless ghost once. 121 00:07:46,760 --> 00:07:48,352 she even peed in her pants after seeing it. 122 00:07:48,600 --> 00:07:49,794 i did not pee in my pants. 123 00:07:50,080 --> 00:07:51,832 whether you want to urinate or to spit... 124 00:07:52,160 --> 00:07:54,037 ...make sure you say excuse me or sorry... 125 00:07:54,240 --> 00:07:56,276 ...or whatever in dialect. 126 00:07:56,520 --> 00:07:58,715 japanese ghosts might not understand... 127 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:01,389 but the chinese ghosts will definitely understand. 128 00:08:01,720 --> 00:08:03,551 i saw a headless ghost! 129 00:08:03,760 --> 00:08:06,399 after that, i was running and peeing. 130 00:08:06,880 --> 00:08:09,440 then after the war, turned into hospital. 131 00:08:09,640 --> 00:08:12,871 even more auntie, uncle and ang mo dying here. 132 00:08:13,440 --> 00:08:17,319 then my friend saw a white figure of a lady. 133 00:08:17,760 --> 00:08:19,671 i heard there are pontianaks living there... 134 00:08:19,880 --> 00:08:21,598 ...like the female malay vampire ghost. 135 00:08:21,880 --> 00:08:23,871 it's like a laughing sound... like that. 136 00:08:24,880 --> 00:08:25,949 just pass by. 137 00:08:26,280 --> 00:08:27,679 but when he takes picture, the ghost disappear. 138 00:08:27,960 --> 00:08:30,633 it's a rite of passage for every kid in singapore. 139 00:08:30,920 --> 00:08:32,069 there's a torture chamber. 140 00:08:32,360 --> 00:08:33,998 secret underground tunnel. 141 00:08:34,240 --> 00:08:36,117 if you go through and come out the other side... 142 00:08:36,400 --> 00:08:37,879 ...it's like time travel. 143 00:08:38,120 --> 00:08:39,439 don't know whether it's true. 144 00:08:39,800 --> 00:08:41,791 not good for visiting. 145 00:08:42,160 --> 00:08:43,798 you might get stuff following you. 146 00:08:44,040 --> 00:08:46,190 two of our friends... were possessed. 147 00:08:46,440 --> 00:08:47,998 it's totally dangerous. 148 00:08:48,240 --> 00:08:51,038 just don't go in there... at all. 149 00:08:53,840 --> 00:08:55,432 ok, roll sound. 150 00:08:55,640 --> 00:08:56,914 are you recording? 151 00:08:57,160 --> 00:08:59,310 ...war... japanese... executions... 152 00:08:59,720 --> 00:09:01,790 ...you know, i know, everyone also knows. 153 00:09:02,080 --> 00:09:04,355 we've still got interviews with the doctor... 154 00:09:04,600 --> 00:09:06,556 ...and the world war two pow guy. 155 00:09:06,800 --> 00:09:08,392 true... it's just... 156 00:09:08,560 --> 00:09:10,471 it won't turn into a big joke. 157 00:09:10,800 --> 00:09:13,837 it will get serious. it's just part of the pacing. 158 00:09:14,880 --> 00:09:17,713 i want to find out why the place attracts so many people. 159 00:09:17,920 --> 00:09:20,309 what's the mysterious attraction, ya know? 160 00:09:20,600 --> 00:09:22,795 then, i don't know, we'll see what happens? 161 00:09:23,640 --> 00:09:25,710 hey, what's this? spying? 162 00:09:26,160 --> 00:09:28,549 ya, spying in the house of love. 163 00:09:28,840 --> 00:09:30,637 behind the scenes. 164 00:09:30,840 --> 00:09:32,160 behind the scenes in your head. 165 00:09:32,160 --> 00:09:32,592 behind the scenes in your head. 166 00:09:34,200 --> 00:09:36,714 may i know. during this interview... 167 00:09:37,040 --> 00:09:39,031 ...you are not going to see my face are you? 168 00:09:39,240 --> 00:09:41,356 no. don't worry. we cannot see anything... 169 00:09:41,760 --> 00:09:43,716 ...just a shadow. 170 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:48,278 ok. i've got my friends, lined up by the japanese... 171 00:09:48,680 --> 00:09:53,595 ...beheaded in changi area during the war. 172 00:09:54,360 --> 00:09:56,316 how did you manage to survive? 173 00:09:56,600 --> 00:09:59,068 we were rounded up and forced to work. 174 00:10:02,400 --> 00:10:04,868 they put me in a very special division. 175 00:10:05,400 --> 00:10:08,870 the japanese called it, uh... 176 00:10:09,800 --> 00:10:12,473 ...oka 9-4-2-0. 177 00:10:13,960 --> 00:10:17,270 they did some kind of medical experiments. 178 00:10:18,680 --> 00:10:21,194 some very bad things. 179 00:10:21,560 --> 00:10:24,074 so, what did you do for them? 180 00:10:26,920 --> 00:10:28,797 basically... 181 00:10:29,120 --> 00:10:31,111 they ordered me to catch rats... 182 00:10:31,400 --> 00:10:33,595 ...and remove fleas. 183 00:10:33,920 --> 00:10:35,876 why did you have to do that? 184 00:10:36,320 --> 00:10:38,515 no... there's nothing else. 185 00:10:39,200 --> 00:10:41,395 are you sure you can't remember anything else? 186 00:10:41,960 --> 00:10:44,155 uh... 187 00:10:45,480 --> 00:10:50,235 i'm not very comfortable to talk about this. 188 00:10:52,320 --> 00:10:54,276 i understand. 189 00:10:54,560 --> 00:10:57,154 but this information might be helpful for our research. 190 00:10:57,600 --> 00:11:00,194 we can turn off the cameras and microphones. 191 00:11:00,440 --> 00:11:03,034 then would you be ok to talk about it? 192 00:11:05,480 --> 00:11:07,436 is the camera off now? 193 00:11:07,800 --> 00:11:09,756 yes, everything's turned off now. 194 00:11:12,440 --> 00:11:14,396 during the war... 195 00:11:14,720 --> 00:11:16,676 ...it was a very bad time. 196 00:11:16,960 --> 00:11:19,793 we all didn't know... what would happen... 197 00:11:21,760 --> 00:11:24,433 see, that could all take this in a different direction... 198 00:11:24,760 --> 00:11:26,716 wait, i don't understand. you got that last story? 199 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:28,718 you were still recording? 200 00:11:29,000 --> 00:11:30,592 of course he was. so green! 201 00:11:30,920 --> 00:11:32,911 hey, i'm new at this. give me a chance. 202 00:11:33,160 --> 00:11:35,230 always record everything. 203 00:11:37,800 --> 00:11:39,677 but we told him we turned the camera off. 204 00:11:39,840 --> 00:11:41,717 we never told him that... you did. 205 00:11:41,920 --> 00:11:43,751 but the little red light? 206 00:11:44,040 --> 00:11:45,393 can turn the tally light off. 207 00:11:45,560 --> 00:11:46,834 see? still recording. 208 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:48,393 he wasn't wearing his mic. 209 00:11:49,120 --> 00:11:51,076 camera mic. it's good enough. 210 00:11:53,120 --> 00:11:54,473 we can't use that footage. 211 00:11:54,600 --> 00:11:55,953 why not? of course we can. 212 00:11:56,120 --> 00:11:58,588 because he'll find out and we'll get in trouble. 213 00:11:58,920 --> 00:12:00,797 calm down, relax. he's anonymous anyway. 214 00:12:01,040 --> 00:12:03,110 he's in silhouette. no one will know who he is. 215 00:12:03,800 --> 00:12:06,268 anyway, i can distort his voice in post or something. 216 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:09,672 i'm just not comfortable with this. 217 00:12:10,720 --> 00:12:12,392 we just got this amazing interview footage. 218 00:12:12,840 --> 00:12:14,512 i don't think he's told anyone even half of... 219 00:12:14,800 --> 00:12:16,870 ...what he told us about the japanese experiments. 220 00:12:17,160 --> 00:12:19,549 sending infected women into the... 221 00:12:19,760 --> 00:12:21,273 ...japanese barracks for retaliation. 222 00:12:21,600 --> 00:12:23,830 we got all that. you want serious material? 223 00:12:24,200 --> 00:12:25,679 this is it. 224 00:12:26,440 --> 00:12:28,396 hey, always have the camera running. 225 00:12:28,920 --> 00:12:30,876 that's what a good cameraman does. 226 00:12:31,440 --> 00:12:33,635 so, why are you recording now? 227 00:12:34,280 --> 00:12:36,953 because i want to test out if this infrared... 228 00:12:37,200 --> 00:12:39,953 ...really allows me to see into the night... 229 00:12:40,200 --> 00:12:43,272 ...and see through ah lian's clothes. 230 00:12:46,360 --> 00:12:46,560 good news today. 231 00:12:46,560 --> 00:12:47,754 good news today. 232 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:50,389 we got permission to shoot in old changi hospital. 233 00:12:50,960 --> 00:12:52,552 one day... and one night. 234 00:12:53,160 --> 00:12:54,673 what? 235 00:12:54,920 --> 00:12:56,512 and you are invited. 236 00:12:56,720 --> 00:12:57,630 great. 237 00:13:17,440 --> 00:13:19,351 documenting our journey man. 238 00:13:20,200 --> 00:13:22,316 alright you guys go ahead. 239 00:13:22,760 --> 00:13:24,671 ok, go. 240 00:13:57,400 --> 00:14:01,632 ok, we're at old changi hospital for our first recon. 241 00:14:02,600 --> 00:14:04,556 thankfully, it's during the day. 242 00:14:27,200 --> 00:14:29,555 alright guys, i'm coming through with the camera. 243 00:14:35,600 --> 00:14:37,955 this place is a wreck. 244 00:15:05,880 --> 00:15:07,836 so much graffiti lah. 245 00:15:08,080 --> 00:15:09,911 didn't know singaporeans are so creative. 246 00:15:10,080 --> 00:15:11,638 hey, let me tell you something. 247 00:15:11,920 --> 00:15:13,512 all this graffiti makes it less scary. 248 00:15:13,760 --> 00:15:15,113 so many kids and vandals. 249 00:15:15,400 --> 00:15:16,958 it's damn creepy! 250 00:15:17,480 --> 00:15:19,675 i just don't like this... stuff. 251 00:15:20,800 --> 00:15:24,395 this place is going to be extra creepy at night. 252 00:15:24,960 --> 00:15:27,952 yo. see this. i love dog. 253 00:15:28,360 --> 00:15:30,396 so does that mean that they are dog lovers... 254 00:15:30,720 --> 00:15:32,756 ...or they like to eat dogs? 255 00:15:33,000 --> 00:15:34,991 or they like to do other things with the dogs? 256 00:15:35,280 --> 00:15:36,793 how to be scared right? 257 00:15:39,800 --> 00:15:43,190 six, six, six. that's not so good. 258 00:15:44,120 --> 00:15:47,351 ya... singaporeans are a lot of funny people. 259 00:15:47,680 --> 00:15:49,159 but must be tolerant. 260 00:15:49,440 --> 00:15:51,590 freedom of all religions. 261 00:15:52,160 --> 00:15:53,752 but i don't like. 262 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:09,358 what in the hell goes on in this room? 263 00:16:50,000 --> 00:16:51,877 so... you come here often? 264 00:17:00,280 --> 00:17:02,510 sorry... i didn't mean to scare you. 265 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:05,070 andrew says to bring up the glide camera. 266 00:17:05,400 --> 00:17:07,356 so come on up. 267 00:17:07,760 --> 00:17:09,398 you're gonna love it up here. 268 00:17:09,680 --> 00:17:11,352 ya. 269 00:17:55,040 --> 00:17:56,473 ladies and gentlemen... 270 00:17:56,560 --> 00:17:57,993 ...aunties and uncles... 271 00:17:59,520 --> 00:18:00,953 ...brothers and sisters... 272 00:18:01,200 --> 00:18:02,918 this is your sound man speaking. 273 00:18:03,120 --> 00:18:05,429 we got some experience of those... 274 00:18:05,680 --> 00:18:08,069 ...technical difficulties... something like that. 275 00:18:08,400 --> 00:18:10,436 we may be forced to land the camera... 276 00:18:10,640 --> 00:18:12,631 ...at the next available hallway. 277 00:18:16,480 --> 00:18:19,631 bend over and assume the emergency position. 278 00:18:19,920 --> 00:18:21,239 how? 279 00:18:21,520 --> 00:18:23,476 how? as instructed in the beginning of this film lah! 280 00:18:23,720 --> 00:18:25,995 and prepare for emergency landing. 281 00:19:07,560 --> 00:19:08,913 sorry, sorry... 282 00:19:09,160 --> 00:19:11,071 ok, everyone please stay out of my shots. 283 00:19:11,320 --> 00:19:13,072 .



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