Você procurou por: if he will phone tell him to ring back later (Inglês - Hindi)

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if he will phone tell him to ring back later



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when he will come i will tell him to call


जब वह आएंगे तो मैं उनसे कहूंगा, आपको बुलाने के लिए स

Última atualização: 2024-05-28
Frequência de uso: 1


if he wants to withdraw money you tell him to look for me and i will teach him


क्या आपको याद है कि आपने अपने दोस्त को सक्रिय करने में किसकी मदद की है?

Última atualização: 2022-07-05
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


so go and tell him that if he wants to save his dog... he will pay up 2 million.


heТd take his 2 million' and heТd still kill.- i donТt trust his word.

Última atualização: 2019-07-06
Frequência de uso: 4

Referência: Anônimo


mahodara obstructs him , and tells him that if he kills sita , he will incur everlasting infamy .


महोदर उसे रोकता है और उसे बतलाता है कि यदि वह सीता को मार डालेगा तो हमेशा के लिए बदनाम हो जाएगा ।

Última atualização: 2020-05-24
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


he hears the revelations of god which are recited to him , then persists in his arrogance as if he had not even heard them . tell him that he will suffer a painful torment .


कि ख़ुदा की आयतें उसके सामने पढ़ी जाती हैं और वह सुनता भी है फिर ग़ुरूर से अड़ा रहता है गोया उसने उन आयतों को सुना ही नहीं तो तुम उसे दर्दनाक अज़ाब की ख़ुशख़बरी दे दो

Última atualização: 2020-05-24
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


ultimately , she says to hanuman , ' tell my lord that i will wait for a month , and if he fails to rescue me within that time , tell him to perform my funeral rites with his sacred hands on the banks of the ganges .


अन्ततः वे हनुमान से कहती हैं , मेरे स्वामी से कहना कि मैं एक महीने तक राह देखूँगी और यदि इस समय के भीतर वे मुझे नहीं बचा सके , तो उनसे कहना कि गंगा के किनारे अपने पवित्र हाथों से मेरे अन्तिम संस्कार की क्रियाएँ पूरी कर दें ।

Última atualização: 2020-05-24
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


she said , “ here he is , the one you blamed me for . i did try to seduce him , but he resisted . but if he does not do what i tell him to do , he will be imprisoned , and will be one of the despised . ”


बोली कि बस ये वही तो है जिसकी बदौलत तुम सब मुझे मलामत करती थीं और हाँ बेशक मैं उससे अपना मतलब हासिल करने की खुद उससे आरज़ू मन्द थी मगर ये बचा रहा और जिस काम का मैं हुक्म देती हूँ अगर ये न करेगा तो ज़रुर क़ैद भी किया जाएगा और ज़लील भी होगा अर्ज़ की

Última atualização: 2020-05-24
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


she said , “ this is he on whose account you used to insult me ; and indeed i tried to entice him , so he safeguarded himself ; and indeed if he does not do what i tell him to , he will surely be imprisoned , and will surely be humiliated . ”


बोली कि बस ये वही तो है जिसकी बदौलत तुम सब मुझे मलामत करती थीं और हाँ बेशक मैं उससे अपना मतलब हासिल करने की खुद उससे आरज़ू मन्द थी मगर ये बचा रहा और जिस काम का मैं हुक्म देती हूँ अगर ये न करेगा तो ज़रुर क़ैद भी किया जाएगा और ज़लील भी होगा अर्ज़ की

Última atualização: 2020-05-24
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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