Você procurou por: kajal had 1 and three by forth of it (Inglês - Hindi)

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kajal had 1 and three by forth of it



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malcolm. hunter@gmx. co. uka number between 1 and 99 is displayed in front of it.


raviratlami@ aol. in

Última atualização: 2018-12-24
Frequência de uso: 1


more than half of its civil police and three quarters of its armed police were muslims who were anxious to opt for service in pakistan .


उसकी आधी से ज्यादामुल्की पुलिस और तीन - चौथाई सशस्त्र पुलिस मुसलमानों की बनी थी , जो पाकिस्तान की सेवा में जाने के लिए उत्सुक थे ।

Última atualização: 2020-05-24
Frequência de uso: 1


and he made ten bases of brass; four cubits was the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits the height of it.


फिर उस ने पीतल के दस पाये बनाए, एक एक पाये की लम्बाई चार हाथ, चौड़ाई भी चार हाथ और ऊंचाई तीन हाथ की थी।

Última atualização: 2019-08-09
Frequência de uso: 1


of these , 17 are under the control of the state government , four are managed and controlled by the international airport authority / airport authority of india , and three by the ministry of defence .


इनमें 17 राज्य सरकार के नियंत्रण में हैं जब कि चार का संचालन अंतरराष्ट्रीय विमान पत्तन प्राधिकरण / भारतीय विमानपत्तन प्राधिकरण द्वारा किया जाता है जब कि तीन रक्षा मंत्रालय द्वारा चलाए जाते हैं ।

Última atualização: 2020-05-24
Frequência de uso: 1


and six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side:


और उसकी अलंगों से छ: डालियां निकलें, तीन डालियां तो दीवट की एक अलंग से और तीन डालियां उसकी दूसरी अलंग से निकली हुई हों;

Última atualização: 2019-08-09
Frequência de uso: 1


come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it.


हे जाति जाति के लोगों, सुनने के लिये निकट आओ, और हे राज्य राज्य के लोगों, ध्यान से सुनो! पृथ्वी भी, और जो कुछ उस में है, जगत और जो कुछ उस में उत्पन्न होता है, सब सुनो।

Última atualização: 2019-08-09
Frequência de uso: 1


the principle of harmonious construction must be adopted and so construed , that die provisions of article 19 1 a , which are general , must yield to article 194 1 and the latter part of its clause 3 which are special .


सुसंगत अर्थान्वयन का सिद्धांत अवश्य अपनाया जाना चाहिए और उसी प्रकार अर्थ लगाये जाने चाहिए , कि अनुच्छेद 19 1 क के उपबंध , जो सामान्य हैं , अनुच्छेद 194 1 के और इसके खंड 3 के बाद वाले भाग , जो विशेष हैं , के अधीन होने चाहिए ।

Última atualização: 2020-05-24
Frequência de uso: 1


the lodges of it were three on this side and three on that side; and its posts and its arches were after the measure of the first gate: its length was fifty cubits, and the breadth twenty-five cubits.


और उसकी दोनों ओर तीन तीन पहरेवााली कोठरियां थीं, और इसके भी खम्भों के ओसारे की माप पहिले फाटक के अनुसार थी; इसकी लम्बाई पचास और चौड़ाई पच्चीस हाथ की थी।

Última atualização: 2019-08-09
Frequência de uso: 1


an electronic logic gate whose output is logic 1 only when any one of its inputs is logic 1 and all the others are logic 0 , otherwise the output is logic 0 . also known as exclusive - or gate .


एक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक तर्क द्वार , जिसका आउटपुट तर्क 1 तभी है , जब इसका कोई भी एक इनपुट तर्क 1 और शेष इनपुट तर्क 0 हों , अन्यथा आउटपुट तर्क 0 होगा . इसे " अपवर्जी - or द्वार " भी कहा जाता है .

Última atualização: 2020-05-24
Frequência de uso: 1

Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível


dada has called it "file number 1" and now whatever baggage is left of it [file 1] that is all stock of karma filled in the past life (bharelo maal) now that has to be emptied out it is getting emptied out ....


तो दादाजी ने कहा कि फाइल नं-१ और उसका जो भी कुछ माल है वह सब भरा हुआ माल है और उसे खाली करना है। खाली तो हो ही रहा है बस। उसके कुछ प्रिन्सिपल्स समझ लेने हैं जिससे यों ही दखलंदाज़ी न हो जाए और सहजरूप से चलता रहे सहज।

Última atualização: 2019-07-06
Frequência de uso: 4

Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível

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