Você procurou por: hurry (Inglês - Indonésio)

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working in a hurry


mengerjakan dengan asal-asalan

Última atualização: 2021-01-29
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


pls hurry up am waiting


pls hurry up am waiting

Última atualização: 2024-09-22
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


i have to hurry somewhere.


saya harus memgurus beberapa dokumen

Última atualização: 2021-12-31
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


struggling and hurry up get up


berjuang dan cepatlah bangun

Última atualização: 2017-05-13
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Anônimo


hurry up and wash the dishes there


cepat cuci piring sana

Última atualização: 2022-05-03
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


hurry up you school you become a criminal


cepat kau sekolah kau jadi penjahat

Última atualização: 2023-06-30
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


i'd like to,but i'm in a hurry


maukah kamu masuk!

Última atualização: 2023-08-13
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


oh i'm sorry i dindnt see it because i am in hurry


oh i'm sorry i dindnt see it because i'm in rush

Última atualização: 2023-08-04
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


last year july was the most embarrassing day of my life. i went to a shop with my twin brother to accompany him to buy clothes. i was in a hurry and immediately got on the motorbike because we thought taking a car would take more time to get to the shop.


kemarin adalah hari paling memalukan dalam hidupku. aku bangun terlambat bahkan tidak sempat sarapan. aku buru buru dan menelepon tukang ojek karena aku pikir naik mobil akan memakan lebih banyak waktu untuk sampai ke sekolah.

Última atualização: 2021-10-02
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


for ... hi, how are you? i hope you are alright. i'm fine here too, no need to worry. oh yeah, how was your holiday yesterday? is it fun or boring? haha kidding. long time no see, miss. it's a shame yesterday's holiday i couldn't go to east java, i was busy with church activities, sorry. but because of the many church activities i have new experiences too actually i'm tired too thinking about the youth christmas event, i have to come to church to monitor the kids rehearsing because i coordinated the event. training started in the afternoon and ended at night, it was raining too. at home too i just lay in bed, leaving the room only to go to the bathroom and eat. so last holiday i didn't go anywhere, didn't go to any tourist spots. ohh but yesterday's holiday my older sister came home so i have friends to play, joke, talk with. short holiday doesn't go anywhere hahaha by the way, last holiday i did something new. so.. i have a duty to decorate the priest's mansion, from day to night. because it was too late so we women decided to stay there, too bad for our parents if we had to pick them up at night. our parents allowed us too, but it turned out we were told to help make the cake. we start making at 10pm and finish at 3am. even so i'm happy because we were told to choose clothes to take home hehehe. i also just finished the youth christmas service last january 7th which took place at my school. one day before the event, we had preparations in advance, preparations started on january 6 in the afternoon and finished at half past 11 pm. in the morning we had to go to school again because the preparation was still lacking, because i left early and in a hurry, i didn't take a shower (only washed my face and brushed my teeth) and didn't have time to have breakfast either. but the timing of the event went quite well and was exciting because there was a burning event at the end of the service. but there is a bad thing, namely when we were burning sausages it suddenly exploded. that's my story during the last holiday, there are happy and sad. have a nice holiday yaa.. happy year! see you later..


untuk ... hai.. apa kabar? aku harap kamu baik-baik saja. aku disini juga baik-baik saja, tidak perlu khawatir. oh iyaa, bagaimana liburan mu kemarin? apakah menyenangkan atau membosankan? haha bercandaa. sudah lama kita tidak bertemu, kangen. sayang banget liburan kemarin aku engga bisa ke jawa timur, aku sibuk sama kegiatan gereja, maaf ya. tapi gara-gara banyak kegiatan gereja aku jadi punya pengalaman baru jugaa sebenernya capek juga mikirin acara natal remaja, harus datang ke gereja buat pantau anak-anak latihan karena aku koordinasi acara nya. latihan mulai sore selesai malam, hujan-hujan juga. dirumah juga aku hanya berbaring dikasur, keluar kamar hanya untuk ke kamar mandi dan makan. jadi liburan kemarin aku tidak pergi kemana-mana, tidak pergi ke tempat wisata. ohh tapi libur kemarin kakak perempuan aku pulang jadi aku punya temen untuk bermain, bercanda, berbicara. libur singkat tidak pergi kemana-mana juga hahaha ngomong-ngomong kemarin liburan aku melakukan hal baru. jadi.. aku ada tugas untuk mendekor griya milik pendeta, mulai dari siang hingga malam. karena selesainya terlalu malam jadi kami para perempuan memutuskan untuk menginap disitu, kasian juga orangtua jika harus menjemput malam-malam. kami sudah diizinkan orangtua juga, tapi ternyata kami disuruh membantu membuat kue. kami mulai membuat jam 10 malam dan selesai jam 3 pagi. walau begitu aku senang karena kami disuruh memilih baju untuk dibawa pulang hehehe. aku juga baru saja menyelesaikan ibadah natal remaja 7 januari kemarin yang tempat nya di sekolah ku. satu hari sebelum acara, kami ada persiapan terlebih dahulu, persiapan mulai tanggal 6 januari sore dan selesai pukul setengah 11 malam. pagi hari nya kami harus ke sekolah lagi karena persiapan nya masih kurang, karena berangkat pagi dan terburu-buru, aku tidak mandi (hanya cuci muka dan sikat gigi saja) dan tidak sempat sarapan juga. tapi waktu acara berjalan cukup baik dan seru karena ada acara bakar-bakaran di akhir ibadah. namun ada hal buruk nya yaitu saat kami sedang membakar sosis tiba-tiba meledak. begitulah ceritaku selama liburan kemarin, ada senang dan sedihnya. semoga liburanmu menyenangkan yaa.. selamat tahun! sampai jumpa..

Última atualização: 2023-01-09
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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