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Última atualização: 2013-09-24 Frequência de uso: 2 Qualidade: Referência: Wikipedia
i'm kent, the realtor.
ケントだ 不動産業者の
Última atualização: 2016-10-27 Frequência de uso: 1 Qualidade: Referência: Wikipedia
i'm meeting with our realtor.
well, you'll have to call the realtor.
ええ 不動産業者に 電話して
i have an appointment with the realtor tomorrow.
明日 不動産業者と 約束があるの
realtor says she can shome some apartments tonight.
不動産屋が部屋を 見せるって
- the realtor didn't mention it? - no.
is he rich? no, no, he's a realtor.
いいえ ただの不動産業者よ
i called every realtor in the city this morning--
今朝 街中の不動産業者に 電話したわ
but at night, 3 vans from the realtor company return from their rounds.
3台分が埋まるんです 花岡さんが あのビルに 行かれた時には
hey, i know you're working, but i talked to the realtor in stanton.
電話してごめんなさい 仲介料が半額なら
downloads from the realtor's smartphone says that he was meeting someone named lydon.
不動産業者の電話でわかった ライドンという名前の 男と会ってる
i got a lead on wendy montgomery's murder, that realtor who was shot walking home from work.
ウェンディ・モンゴメリーの殺人で 手掛かりを掴みました 職場から歩いて帰宅して 撃たれたその不動産業者を
eddie ferris, the realtor... he said, uh, a young woman had taken it for the month.
outside of the courthouse this morning, two f.b.i. agents, a realtor, and edward hu.
今朝 裁判所の前で 2人のfbi捜査官と一緒に
29-year-old realtor, 67-year-old copy store owner, and two f.b.i. agents.
29歳の不動産業者に 67歳のコピー店主 それからfbi捜査官が2人だ
realtors alone in a house are sometimes robbed or hurt, even raped or murdered.
不動産屋は、一人で物件に行く事が有り 強盗、強姦、殺人の対象になるのです