Você procurou por: leukocytes,or white blood cells (Inglês - Malaio)

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leukocytes,or white blood cells



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white blood cell


sel darah putih

Última atualização: 2015-05-04
Frequência de uso: 18

Referência: Wikipedia


blood cell


sel darah

Última atualização: 2014-09-29
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Wikipedia


patients have normal or reduced number of peripheral white blood cells (especially lymphocytes) at the early stage.


pesakit mempunyai jumlah sel darah putih periferi (terutamanya limfosit) yang normal atau berkurangan pada tahap awal.

Última atualização: 2020-08-25
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


red blood cell


sel darah merah

Última atualização: 2015-05-13
Frequência de uso: 6

Referência: Wikipedia


fill in the entire grid black or white


isi keseluruhan grid sama ada hitam atau putih

Última atualização: 2014-08-15
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


excessive red blood cell depletion


pesmunasahan sel darah merah yang berlebihan

Última atualização: 2021-11-30
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


leukemia is cancer of the blood cells. it starts in the bone marrow, the soft tissue inside most bones.


leukemia adalah kanser sel-sel darah. ia bermula di sumsum tulang, tisu lembut di dalam kebanyakan tulang.

Última atualização: 2021-12-09
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


next, for the walls, it is necessary to use bright colors or white. this is because this color reflects heat better than the dark color. during the design process, it is recommended that the building plan be designed to extend east to west so that the walls exposed to the rising and falling sun are small.


seterusnya, untuk dinding pula adalah menggunakan warna cerah atau putih. ini kerana warna ini memantulkan haba lebih baik daripada warna gelap. semasa proses rekabentuk, sebaiknya pelan bangunan ini direka memanjang timur ke barat agar dinding yang terdedah kepada matahari naik dan turun adalah kecil.

Última atualização: 2022-06-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


phgosit is a type of white blood that uses prose phgositosis to ingest bacteria, foreign particles, and dead cells to protect the body. it surrounds and lures germs to destroy them. phgosit is usually not tied to a particular organ but moves in the body. it interacts with phgostic cells and not other phgosictics of the immune system. these cells can communicate using cytokine chemicals. this process allows other phgosite cells to be recruited to the place of infection.


fagosit adalah sejenis darah putih yang menggunakan prose fagositosis untuk menelan bakteria, zarah asing, dan sel mati untuk melindungi tubuh. ia mengepung dan megikat kuman untuk memusnahkannya. fagosit biasanya tidak terikat pada organ tertentu tetapi bergerak dalam badan. ia berinteraksi dengan sel fagositik dan bukan fagositik lain dari sistem imun. sel sel ini dapat berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahan kimia sitokin. proses ini membolehkan sel fagosit lain direkrut ke tempat jangkitan. v

Última atualização: 2021-12-16
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


the human skeletal system is a set of bones and organs that function to balance the body and protect the vital organs of the human skeletal muscle. it also serves to maintain the body's weight by providing chemical nutrients to produce red blood cells and to attach them to the muscle. bones develoment and growth that provided by osteogenesia ossification intramembranous and ossification and endochondral ossificationto grow


sistem rangka manusia merupakan rangkaian tulang tulang dan organ organ yang berfungsi menompang tegak tubuh badan dan melindungi organ penting dalam tubih badan sisitem rangka manusia juga berfungsi mempertahankan bobot badan membentuk tubuh tempat menyimpan nutrisi tenaga kimia memproduksi sel darah merah dan tempat melekatnya otot otot tubuh

Última atualização: 2020-06-04
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


iron is one of the vital nutrients for the body. one is to increase red blood cell production. the function of red blood cells is to deliver oxygen and protein to the whole body, two things that our organs lack (such as the brain and heart) can be fatal. in addition to consuming foods that are high in iron, such as vegetables and red meat, it is safe to add iron intake from milo milk.


zat besi merupakan salah satu nutrisi yang vital bagi tubuh. salah satunya adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi sel darah merah. fungsi sel darah merah sendiri adalah untuk menyalurkan oksigen dan protein ke seluruh tubuh, dua hal yang bila organ organ kita kekurangan (misalnya otak dan jantung) maka bisa berakibat fatal. selain mengonsumsi makanan yang memang mengandung zat besi tinggi, misalnya sayur sayuran dan daging merah, tidak ada salahnya menambah asupan zat besi dari susu milo.

Última atualização: 2019-12-02
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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