Você procurou por: slayed (Inglês - Malaio)

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so they were disgraced and became indigent, earning the anger of god, for they disbelieved the word of god, and slayed the prophets unjustly, for they transgressed and rebelled.


yang demikian itu ialah disebabkan mereka kufur (mengingkari) ayat-ayat allah (perintah-perintah dan mukjizat-mukjizat yang membuktikan kebesarannya); dan mereka pula membunuh nabi-nabi dengan tidak ada alasan yang benar. yang demikian itu ialah disebabkan mereka menderhaka dan mereka pula sentiasa menceroboh.

Última atualização: 2014-07-03
Frequência de uso: 1


the incision should be made in the neck at some point just below the glottis and the base of the neck. traditionally, camels used to be slayed by making an incision anywhere on the neck. this process is called nahr, which means spearing the hollow of the neck. with modern restraining methods and stunning techniques, this procedure might not be appropriate any longer. the trachea and the esophagus must be cut in addition to the jugular veins and the carotid arteries. the spinal cord must not be c


insisi harus dibuat di leher pada satu titik tepat di bawah glotis dan pangkal leher. secara tradisinya, unta disembelih dengan membuat sayatan di mana-mana bahagian leher. proses ini dipanggil nahr, yang bermaksud menusuk rongga leher. dengan kaedah penahan moden dan teknik yang menakjubkan, prosedur ini mungkin tidak sesuai lagi. trakea dan esofagus mesti dipotong sebagai tambahan kepada urat jugular dan arteri karotid. saraf tunjang mestilah tidak c

Última atualização: 2021-12-29
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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