Você procurou por: tonne and manner (Inglês - Malaio)

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tonne and manner



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this technical report focuses on the tasks or work that has been carried out throughout the industrial training. each task of money has been given to follow the process and manner that has been directed by simply carrying out in stages. it ensures that all management of the organization can run smoothly without causing problems. in this chapter, students are required to report all activities that involve the work process that has been done for 20 weeks


laporan teknikal ini menjurus kepada tugas tugas atau kerja kerja yang telah dilaksanakan sepanjang latihan industri berlangsung. setiap tugasan yang telah diberikan perlu mengikut proses dan cara yang telah diarahkan dengan hanya menjalankan secara berperingkat. ia memastikan segala pengurusan organisasi dapat berjalan lancar tanpa menimbulkan masalah. di dalam bab ini, pelajar diminta untuk melaporkan segala aktiviti dilakukan yang melibatkan proses kerja yang telah dilakukan selama 20 mingg

Última atualização: 2022-02-16
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


etiquette and manners at the dining table are still not applied and applied while at the dining table. the project carried out is to attract students to study the subject of etiquette and protocol. in addition, students will know more about the rules and manners at the table to show a positive perception from the surrounding community.


etika dan adab di meja makan masih lagi belum diterapkan serta diaplikasikan ketika berada di meja makan. projek ini dijalankan adalah untuk menarik pelajar untuk mempelajari subjek etiket dan protokol. selain itu, pelajar akan lebih mengetahui peraturan serta adab semasa di meja makan bagi menunjukkan persepsi yang positif daripada masyarakat sekeliling.

Última atualização: 2022-02-25
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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