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send a clear signal to industry that further emission reductions are required and that the current path of reducing emissions is maintained.
jintbagħat sinjal ċar lill-industrija li għandu jkun hemm iktar tnaqqis fl-emissjonijiet u li għandha tinżamm it-triq li nqabdet fit-tnaqqis tal-emissjonijiet.
the continuation of the current pace of its reform path should enable bulgaria to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the eu.
l-issoktar tal-bulgarija b'dan il-pass fit-triq lejn ir-riforma tagħha għandu jippermettilha tlaħħaq mal-pressjoni kompetittiva u l-forzi tas-suq fi ħdan l-ue.
the eu is determined to take further measures without delay should the syrian leadership choose not to change swiftly its current path. "
l-ue hija determinata li tieħu aktar miżuri mingħajr dewmien jekk it-tmexxija sirjana tagħżel li ma tibdilx malajr id-direzzjoni attwali tagħha. "
the highly negative niip reflects the accumulation of current-account deficits in the pre-crisis period but is on a decreasing path.
il-piin negattiva ħafna tirrifletti l-akkumulazzjoni ta’ defiċits tal-kont kurrenti fil-perjodu qabel il-kriżi, iżda tinsab fil-perkors tat-tnaqqis.
the japanese economy is expected to continue on its current recovery path, with domestic demand benefiting from ongoing structural reform measures and the easing of deflationary pressures.
l-ekonomija Ġappuniża hi mistennija li tkompli fi trieqitha lejn l-irkupru, filwaqt li d-domanda interna qiegħda tibbenifika mill-miżuri ta » riformi strutturali li għaddejjin bhalissa kif ukoll mit-tnaqqis ta » pressjonijiet deflazzjonarji.
the functioning of the food supply chain takes on increased importance in the path towards recovery from the current economic and financial crisis.
it-tħaddim tal-katina tal-provvista alimentari qed tingħata aktar importanza fit-triq lejn l-irkupru mill-kriżi ekonomika u finanzjarja attwali.
simply put, if we remain on the current path, european citizens will continue to pay too much and receive too little in terms of their defence and security and europe’s defence industry will lose its competitive edge.
fi kliem ieħor, jekk nibqgħu f’din il-mgħoddija, iċ-ċittadini ewropej se jissoktaw iħallsu wisq u jirċievu ftit wisq f’termini tad-difiża u sigurtà tagħhom u l-industrija tad-difiża ewropea se titlef l-aspett kompetittiv tagħha.
its performance has direct consequences for citizens since food represents 16% of european households' expenditure and is increasingly important on the path towards recovery from the current economic crisis.
il-prestazzjoni tagħha għandha konsegwenzi diretti għaċ-ċittadini peress li l-ikel jirrappreżenta 16% tal-ispiża tal-familji ewropej u hija dejjem aktar importanti fit-triq lejn ir-rilanċ mill-kriżi ekonomika attwali.