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just like u



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i like u


सुत्न जानु

Última atualização: 2019-02-10
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


expands a matrix just like we do on unquoted matrix input


हामिले अउद्धरित म्याट्रिक्स आगतमा गरे जस्तै म्याट्रिक्सलाई विस्तार गर्दछ

Última atualização: 2014-08-20
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


when enabled, this feature activates the border of maximized windows and allows you to move or resize them, just like for normal windows


सक्षम पार्दा, यो बिशेषताले ठूलो पारिएका सञ्झ्यालको किनारा सक्रिय पार्छ र तिनलाई सामान्य सञ्झ्याल जस्तै सार्न र रिसाइज गर्न तपाईँलाई अनुमति दिन्छ ।

Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


if checked, amarok will resume playback from where you left it the previous session -- just like a tape-player.


यदि जाँच गरियो भने, अमारोकले प्लेब्याकलाई पुन: निरन्तरता दिनेछ जहाँ तपाईँले यसलाई अघिल्लो सत्रमा छोड्नुभएको थियो -- जस्तै टेप- प्लेयर ।

Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


still many will argue that in the time of bombs, missiles, and such powerful weapons, where will this small pen stand? so, for all those, when we are here talking about pen we are referring to a metaphorical perception. the pen is the symbol of intellect and wittiness. it demonstrates a world full of ideas that can change anything around. the truth is, the use of knowledge is much dependent on the one who is using it. with positive use, the knowledge acts as manna but it can convert to poison if someone uses it destruction. on the contrary, the sword is a very powerful weapon based on who holds it. many will argue against the notion. and that is fine. indeed, many situations cannot be solved by just a pen. many situations do need weapons but that doesn’t imply that you cannot solve anything by just writing and my wits. and we can’t deny the fact that the declarations, laws, and resolutions have no value until they are applied with force. so, even when you draft something so powerful with a pen, you still need a sword to help you, to make it reach people, in some instances. arguments are plenty and the decision is not concrete. but the truth is you cannot generalize statements and views. to conclude, i would just like to say, no matter how you use a sword, the bloodshed is for sure and the losses will be countless. but with the power of mind and knowledge, when the words are penned down, you can reach hearts and even souls and can get saved from bloodshed. in the end, it is right to say that the pen is much more important than the sword and writing is just priceless.


still many will argue that in the time of bombs, missiles, and such powerful weapons, where will this small pen stand? so, for all those, when we are here talking about pen we are referring to a metaphorical perception. the pen is the symbol of intellect and wittiness. it demonstrates a world full of ideas that can change anything around. the truth is, the use of knowledge is much dependent on the one who is using it. with positive use, the knowledge acts as manna but it can convert to poison if someone uses it destruction. on the contrary, the sword is a very powerful weapon based on who holds it. many will argue against the notion. and that is fine. indeed, many situations cannot be solved by just a pen. many situations do need weapons but that doesn’t imply that you cannot solve anything by just writing and my wits. and we can’t deny the fact that the declarations, laws, and resolutions have no value until they are applied with force. so, even when you draft something so powerful with a pen, you still need a sword to help you, to make it reach people, in some instances. arguments are plenty and the decision is not concrete. but the truth is you cannot generalize statements and views. to conclude, i would just like to say, no matter how you use a sword, the bloodshed is for sure and the losses will be countless. but with the power of mind and knowledge, when the words are penned down, you can reach hearts and even souls and can get saved from bloodshed. in the end, it is right to say that the pen is much more important than the sword and writing is just priceless.

Última atualização: 2021-04-22
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Anônimo

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