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homeostatic regulatory



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homeostatic .


هم ايستا .

Última atualização: 2011-10-24
Frequência de uso: 1


it is a homeostatic imbalance.


یک بی تعادلی پایدار است.

Última atualização: 2015-10-13
Frequência de uso: 1


then well outside the standard regulatory purview.


بلکه خارج از ضوابط و حدود استاندارد اداره ميشه

Última atualização: 2011-10-24
Frequência de uso: 1


many prokaryotes have crispr rnas, a regulatory system similar to rna interference.


بسیاری از پروکاریوت‌ها، rnaهای crispr، یک سیستم تنظیمی مشابه باrnai، دارند.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1


for example, the role of secondary structure in the identification of regulatory motifs has been reported.


برای مثال تاکنون نقش ساختار دوم در شناسایی موتیف های تنظیم کننده گزارش شده است.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1


they push themselves to exceed their metrics for success or keep incentives in place long after regulatory requirements expire


از کجا می توانیم اهدافی را تعیین کنیم که بزرگتر از اهداف انطباق ما هستند؟

Última atualização: 2022-12-25
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


however, multiple professional societies and regulatory bodies have recommended continuing standard ace inhibitor and arb therapy.


هرچند، جوامع حرفه‌ای و نهادهای نظارتی متعددی پیشنهاد کرده‌اند که درمان با بازدارنده ace استاندارد و arb ادامه یابد.

Última atualização: 2020-08-25
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


the purpose of this technical review guide is to present the issues to consider when evaluating chromatographic test methods from a regulatory perspective


هدف از این راهنمای بررسی فنی است به ارائه مسائل به نظر زمانی که ارزیابی روش های آزمون کروماتوگرافی از دیدگاه قانونی

Última atualização: 2017-04-13
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: Anônimo


one hypothesis is that psoriasis involves a defect in regulatory t cells, and in the regulatory cytokine interleukin-10.


این یک فرضیه است که پسوریازیس شامل نقص در سلول‌های t تنظیمی، و در سایتوکین نظارتی اینترلوکین ۱۰ می‌باشد.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


although maritime regulatory matters are usually enforced under the auspices of the imo, liability issues are subject to various national jurisdictions.


اگرچه موضوعات نظارتی دریانوردی معمولاً تحت نظارت imo اجرا می شوند، مسائل مربوط به مسئولیت تابع صلاحیت های مختلف ملی است.

Última atualização: 2024-07-23
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


nucleosomes thusserve as general gene repressors. they help assure the inactivity of all genes in eukaryotes except those whose transcription is brought about by specific positive regulatory mechanisms.


بنابراین نوکلئوزوم ها به عنوان سرکوبگرهای ژن عمومی عمل می کنند. آنها به اطمینان از عدم فعالیت همه ژن‌ها در یوکاریوت‌ها کمک می‌کنند، به جز ژن‌هایی که رونویسی آن‌ها توسط مکانیسم‌های تنظیمی مثبت خاص انجام می‌شود.

Última atualização: 2022-11-04
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: Anônimo


the sole exception is lcrv, which is also known as the "versatile yop" for its two roles as an effector yop and as a regulatory yop.


پروتئین های yop موجب مقاومت باکتری نسبت به بلعیده شدن توسط سیستم ایمنی و سلول های روده ای و فرار باکتری ها از ماکروفاژها و نوتروفیل ها می شود.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo
Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível


over time bpk (and its successor cbk) have issued new rules and other documents to support and amend these regulations which remain at the core of regulatory framework for banking and insurance industries


با گذشت زمان bpk (و جانشین آن cbk) قوانین و سایر اسناد جدیدی را برای پشتیبانی و اصلاح این مقررات صادر کرده اند که در هسته چارچوب نظارتی برای صنایع بانکی و بیمه باقی مانده است.

Última atualização: 2023-11-15
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


award-winning blogger asif mohiuddin and three other bloggers have become the latest target of the bangladesh telecommunication regulatory commission, according to online news site online news site timesworld24.com .


طبق آمار پایگاه خبر اینترنتی timesworld24. com، آصف محی‌الدین، وبلاگ‌نویس (برنده جوایز روزنامه‌نگاری) و سه بلاگر دیگر، نوک حمله پیکان کمیسیون تنظیم مقررات مخابرات بنگلادش هستند.

Última atualização: 2016-02-24
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


marine pollution has many different sources. this study focuses on oil spills that may occur after a ship collision or during oil extraction and other oil tanker activities. the most critical oil spill accidents are presented, followed by the regulatory framework on maritime oil spill management


آلودگی دریایی منابع مختلفی دارد. این مطالعه بر روی نشت های نفتی متمرکز است که ممکن است پس از برخورد کشتی یا در هنگام استخراج نفت و سایر فعالیت های نفتکش رخ دهد. مهمترین حوادث نشت نفت ، و به دنبال آن چارچوب نظارتی در مدیریت نشت نفت دریایی ارائه شده است

Última atualização: 2021-06-07
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


 a cautious review of all relevant regulatory, operational, and quality assurance frameworks, followed by the proper amendments is needed in order to legally shield and technically assure the autonomous ship concept thus making it accepted by and favourable to the maritime community and the shipping industry alike.


 بازنگری محتاطانه همه چارچوب‌های نظارتی، عملیاتی و تضمین کیفیت مرتبط و به دنبال آن اصلاحات مناسب به منظور محافظت قانونی و تضمین فنی مفهوم کشتی خودمختار و در نتیجه پذیرفته شدن و مطلوبیت آن توسط جامعه دریایی و صنعت کشتیرانی مورد نیاز است. یکسان

Última atualização: 2024-07-24
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


2 are exceeded or are likely to become so if the loading or unloading continues, the master has the right to suspend operation and the obligation to notify accordingly the appropriate authority of the port state with which the plan has been lodged. the master and the terminal representative shall ensure that corrective action is taken. when unloading cargo, the master and terminal representative shall ensure that the unloading method does not damage the ship’s structure. 6 the master shall ensure that ship’s personnel continuously monitor cargo operations. where possible, the ship’s draught shall be checked regularly during loading or unloading to confirm the tonnage figures supplied. each draught and tonnage observation shall be recorded in a cargo log-book. if significant deviations from the agreed plan are detected, cargo or ballast operations or both shall be adjusted to ensure that the deviations are corrected. chapter vii carriage of dangerous goods part a-1 carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk regulation 7 definitions dangerous goods in solid form in bulk means any material, other than liquid or gas, consisting of a combination of particles, granules or any larger pieces of material, generally uniform in composition, which is covered by the imdg code and is loaded directly into the cargo spaces of a ship without any intermediate form of containment, and includes such materials loaded in a barge on a barge-carrying ship. regulation 7-1 application* 1 unless expressly provided otherwise, this part applies to the carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk in all ships to which the present regulations apply and in cargo ships of less than 500 gross tonnage. 2 the carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk is prohibited except in accordance with the provisions of this part. 3 to supplement the provisions of this part, each contracting government shall issue, or cause to be issued, instructions on emergency response and medical first aid relevant to incidents involving dangerous goods in solid form in bulk, taking into account the guidelines developed by the organization.† regulation 7-2 documents 1 in all documents relating to the carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk by sea, the bulk cargo shipping name of the goods shall be used (trade names alone shall not * refer to regulation ii-2/19, which contains special requirements for ship carrying dangerous goods. † refer to the medical first aid guide for use in accidents involving dangerous goods (mfag) (msc/circ.857). be used). 2 each ship carrying dangerous goods in solid form in bulk shall have a special list or manifest setting forth the dangerous goods on board and the location thereof. a detailed stowage plan, which identifies by class and sets out the location of all dangerous goods on board, may be used in place of such a special list or manifest. a copy of one of these documents shall be made available before departure to the person or organization designated by the port state authority. regulation 7-3 stowage and segregation requirements 1 dangerous goods in solid form in bulk shall be loaded and stowed safely and appropriately in accordance with the nature of the goods. incompatible goods shall be segregated from one another. 2 dangerous goods in solid form in bulk, which are liable to spontaneous heating or combustion, shall not be carried unless adequate precautions have been taken to minimize the likelihood of the outbreak of fire. 3 dangerous goods in solid form in bulk, which give off dangerous vapours, shall be stowed in a well ventilated cargo space. regulation 7-4 reporting of incidents involving dangerous goods 1 when an incident takes place involving the loss or likely loss overboard of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk into the sea, the master, or other person having charge of the ship, shall report the particulars of such an incident without delay and to the fullest extent possible to the nearest coastal state. the report shall be drawn up based on general principles and guidelines developed by the organization.* 2 in the event of the ship referred to in paragraph 1 being abandoned, or in the event of a report from such a ship being incomplete or unobtainable, the company, as defined in regulation ix/1.2, shall, to the fullest extent possible, assume the obligations placed upon the master by this regulation. regulation 7-5 requirements for the carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk the carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk shall be in compliance with the relevant provisions of the imsbc code, as defined in regulation vi/1-1.1. 1.7 definitions for the purpose of this code, unless expressly provided otherwise, the following definitions shall apply: angle of repose means the maximum slope angle of non-cohesive (i.e. free-flowing) granular material. it is measured as the angle between a horizontal plane and the cone slope of such material. * refer to the general principles for ship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements, including guidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods, harmful substances and/or marine pollutants, adopted by the organization by resolution a.851(20), as contained in the supplement to the imdg code). angle of repose bulk cargo shipping name (bcsn) identifies a bulk cargo during transport by sea. when a cargo is listed in this code, the bulk cargo shipping name of the cargo is identified by capital letters in the individual schedules or in the index. when a cargo is dangerous goods as defined in the imdg code, as defined in regulation vii/1.1 of the solas convention, refer to 4.1.1. bulk density means the weight of solids, air and water per unit volume. bulk density is expressed in kilograms per cubic metre (kg/m3 ), in general. the void spaces in the cargo may be filled with air and water. cargo space means any space in a ship designated for carriage of cargoes. cargoes which may liquefy means cargoes which contain a certain proportion of fine particles and a certain amount of moisture. they may liquefy if shipped with a moisture content in excess of their transportable moisture limit. cohesive material means materials other than non-cohesive materials. competent authority means any national regulatory body or authority designated or otherwise recognized as such for any purpose in connection with this code. the competent authority shall operate independently from the shipper. concentrates means materials obtained from a natural ore by a process of enrichment or beneficiation by physical or chemical separation and removal of unwanted constituents. consignment means a solid bulk cargo presented by a shipper for transport. flow moisture point means the percentage moisture content (wet mass basis) at which a flow state develops under the prescribed method of test in a representative sample of the material (see paragraph 1 of appendix 2). flow state means a state occurring when a mass of granular material is saturated with liquid to an extent that, under the influence of prevailing external forces such as vibration, impaction or ships motion, it loses its internal shear strength and behaves as a liquid. ghs means the fourth revised edition of the globally harmonized system of classification and labelling of chemicals, published by the united nations as document st/sg/ac.10/30/rev.4. group a consists of cargoes which may liquefy if shipped at a moisture content in excess of their transportable moisture limit. group b consists of cargoes which possess a chemical hazard which could give rise to a dangerous situation on a ship. group c consists of cargoes which are neither liable to liquefy (group a) nor to possess chemical hazards (group b). high-density solid bulk cargo means a solid bulk cargo with a stowage factor of 0.56 m3 /t or less.


از 2 فراتر رفته یا احتمالاً وجود دارد بنابراین در صورت ادامه بارگیری یا تخلیه ، استاد حق تعلیق عملیات و تعهد را دارد که به این ترتیب مرجع مربوطه از کشور بندری که طرح در آن ثبت شده را اعلام کند. استاد و نماینده ترمینال باید اطمینان حاصل کنند که اقدامات اصلاحی انجام شده است. هنگام تخلیه بار ، رئیس و نماینده ترمینال باید اطمینان حاصل کنند که روش تخلیه به ساختار کشتی آسیب نمی رساند. 6 استاد باید تأسیس کند

Última atualização: 2021-04-03
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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